A Quote by John Gregory Dunne

Gavin Lambert was the first person in the movie business my wife and I met when we moved to Los Angeles in 1964. — © John Gregory Dunne
Gavin Lambert was the first person in the movie business my wife and I met when we moved to Los Angeles in 1964.
The band I was in, Soul Survivor, moved to Los Angeles in 1964 and tried real hard for two years.
The first time I met my father was when I was 25. I was visiting here in Los Angeles, I had not moved here yet. And he came down to meet me. It wasn't emotional, it was like meeting a stranger.
I was in Berkeley when the food energy in America was in Berkeley. Then it moved to Los Angeles, and I went to Los Angeles. It moved to New York, and I went there.
I moved from Chicago to New York in 1984 for 'Biloxi Blues.' In 1989, my wife and our then-baby daughter moved to Los Angeles to try to get in television.
When I moved to Los Angeles, right away I met all kinds of musicians.
I don't live in Los Angeles. I work in Los Angeles, and even that - I audition in Los Angeles; I very rarely film in Los Angeles. I don't hang out with producers on my off-hours, so I don't even know what that world is like.
I'm a first-generation American. My mother is from Argentina. My father is from Italy. When my dad was around five or six, his family migrated to Argentina. That's where he met my mom. They got married, and moved to Los Angeles - North Hollywood, to be exact.
My mother was born in Sinaloa, and she moved to Los Angeles when she was three years old. My father was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and moved here when he was 19. They met at the Palladium in Hollywood, and they've been together from that moment on.
I was a very good tennis player in Ottawa, Canada - nationally ranked when I was, like, 13. Then I moved to Los Angeles when I was 15, and everyone in L.A. just killed me. I was pretty great in Canada. Not so much in Los Angeles.
I went through some tough years when I first moved to Los Angeles, and 'The Riches' was my first major success.
When I first moved to Los Angeles, I don't think anyone knew what to do with me.
I went to Columbia film school; that's where I met Matthew Weisman. We then became writing partners, graduated, and moved out to Los Angeles. I didn't know a soul.
I moved to Los Angeles in January 2004 because a buddy of mine, who I met at a friend's wedding, said he could get me a room in his apartment for $500 a month. I took it thinking that it would probably only be about six months before I moved back to Chicago, but I fell in love with it.
When I first moved to Los Angeles, I came out here with a thousand dollars to my name.
Since I have spent many years of my life living in Los Angeles, and since I'm also in the music business, I know that much more is talked about in Los Angeles than ever really occurs.
Billy [Corgan] and I used to spend quite a lot of time together in Los Angeles, when I first moved there.
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