A Quote by John Guillebaud

The greatest thing anyone in Britain could do to help the future of the planet would be to have one less child. — © John Guillebaud
The greatest thing anyone in Britain could do to help the future of the planet would be to have one less child.
The effect on the planet of having one child less is an order of magnitude greater than all these other things we might do, such as switching off lights. The greatest thing anyone in Britain could do to help the future of the planet would be to have one less child.
The best thing that we can do on climate change is make sure that China converts to a more nuclear future to limit those - that one coal-burning plant coming on a week that we expect - that would really help the planet. We need to work cooperatively with developing countries to make sure they emit less.
Having one less child is the biggest contribution anyone can make to leaving a habitable planet
This is a Budget for Britain's future to secure fairness for each child and invest in every child
I became educated to the fact that the greatest pain does not come zooming down from a distant planet, but from the depths of the heart. Of course, both could happen; your wife and child could leave you, and you could be sitting alone in your empty house with nothing to live for, and in addition the Martians could bore through the roof and get you.
I don't have kids, but in the future, if I ever do, I would want my child to be happy no matter what: gay, lesbian, bi - whatever. To see a smile on my child's face would be the only thing that would matter and keep my blood pumping.
I knew that even if I was able to call for help, I was in a place so remote that it wasn't likely there would be anyone who could help me. And even if there were, it could take weeks.
Do you ever wonder whether people would like you more or less if they could see inside you? But I always wonder about that. If people could see me the way I see myself—if they could live in my memories—would anyone, anyone, love me?
I want to do the most subversive thing I couldn't do as a child: I want to take back the planet's future.
You saw we could lose our lives for this child. I would consider that the greatest honor that could come to my family.
America has been around less than 250 years, and in less than 250 years we have created what is the greatest country on earth. There are reasons for it. And any other country on earth could do the same thing. They could structure it the same way, and if they don't have natural resources they could economically structure a way to barter, share, buy, trade, you name it. They could do the same thing.
If only religion could be brought to take an interest in this earthly future, what a help it would be! ... Think of the appeal to the less spiritual of us, to those who never did get enthusiastic about eternity, or care so tenderly about their own souls, yet who could rise to the thought of improving this world for the children they love, and their children after them.
I really try to focus on organizations, twofold, one that help people and/or beings that don't have other means of help. Particularly if they're hospitalized children, sick children, children that don't have homes, children that can't go to school, you know that's the future of this country and the future of this planet.
A great foster parent can end the cycle of abuse and neglect, and impact not just the foster child's life, but also that child's future children's lives, the lives of people who would otherwise be victims of a lost foster child's crimes, and help end human trafficking and homelessness.
I think we would all prefer to have a slightly shorter regular season with less back-to-back games. This would seem to help put out a better product, and it could also possibly help with injury prevention from over-use injuries.
At some point in the future - possibly the very near future - Britain will be hit by a deadly pandemic, and its impact could be utterly devastating.
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