A Quote by John Irving

...I suddenly realized what small towns are. They are places where you grow up with the peculiar-you live next door to the strange and the unlikely for so long that everything and everyone become commonplace.
People used to grow up in small communities where folk wisdom was passed down. But we don't live there anymore. We can't go next door to your aunt and ask her for the answers.
Whenever I get days off, I go home, or friends and family come up. I'm in contact with them every day, so it's like we live next door, but obviously we live in two different countries. Football is my job, and everyone around me has given me the opportunity to purely concentrate on football, and everyone else worries about everything else.
Growing up in Georgia, I used to think people up north or out west were so different. They're really not. They're just regular people who live in small towns. They grow up and try to raise families and have a job and go to church and play softball. It's that way everywhere.
I'm all about small towns. I think it's a great place to grow up.
Im all about small towns. I think its a great place to grow up.
I think I was just a strange kid. I was definitely a weirdo. I ran a newspaper that had really dark stories all the time. My mom was always fun, she had this large box of costumes and I remember dressing up as a door-to-door saleswoman with a wig and this small suitcase I was using as a briefcase. I was walking down the street like that; I was sure I was fooling everyone.
I love playing small towns, but in Sweden, it's sometimes a little bit weird, because all small towns are just so close to bigger cities that people are not as grateful when you show up as they are in Odessa, Texas.
Fame is always a bit crazy. You spend so long banging on the door trying to get in that when it suddenly opens, it's a very strange feeling.
Children are truly the future of this country - our next teachers, they're our next doctors, they're our next police officers, and they're our next Members of Congress. It's our responsibility to do everything that we can to protect them and make sure that children are able to live, learn, and grow up in safe environments.
You never know where your career will take you. A competitor in the market could suddenly become an unlikely partner. Be flexible, keep your slate clean, and stay open to unlikely collaborations.
It's a long journey to become successful, and you learn to grow with it. You grow with the small steps you take.
Towns have to evolve. Towns have to grow up. But not at the expense of the real people.
I've seen it [Australia] go from a lot of small towns to big towns, but I think it has found its identity in all this time... it's a very special country, I could easily live here.
Small towns make up for their lack of people by having everyone be more interesting.
When I was a kid, I felt like I could do anything and play anything. I just felt super-confident. And then, once I started to play music professionally, maybe it's from being from a small town, but you grow up and then you're suddenly a big fish in a small pond, and I realized that there were a billion other drummers out there that could play as good as you or better, and everybody wants that job.
My brother is my inspiration. From being a star student in school, to the perfect boy next door - he was adored by everyone and I always looked up to him. We all shared a dream that he would become a pilot someday.
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