A Quote by John Kasich

If the [Republican] party wants to have an ideological debate, it's never going to win anything in a major way. — © John Kasich
If the [Republican] party wants to have an ideological debate, it's never going to win anything in a major way.
On domestic policy, one of the major stories in American politics has been the growing ideological and political self-confidence of the Democratic Party, and the growing ideological and political pessimism of the Republican Party.
We can't win - if we nominate someone - if we nominate someone that half of the Republican Party hates, we're going to be fighting against each other all the way to November [of 2016]. We will never win that way.
The media traditionally is simply an arm of the Democrat Party that is used in service of advancing the Democrat Party agenda, and the Republicans haven't come up with a way of having a more engaging, entertaining story because the Republican story is never anything other than, "We don't want Democrat X to have what he wants."
[Donald] Trump, I think, understands it. He has said this is going to be a new Republican Party, a workers' Republican Party, instead of just the elite Republican Party.
On the Republican Party platform and the major issues of the Republican Party, Charlie Dent is significantly removed from those foundational principles in his voting record.
It never really crossed my mind that I was ever going to win a major. I always said that if you win a major, that's fine. If you don't, you tried your best.
The United States survives so long as at least one of its major parties is politically and intellectually healthy. I don't think the Republican Party, or I should say the Republican Party as the vehicle for modern American conservative ideas, survives with Donald Trump.
The Republican Party has a reputation for being the party of big business, but you wouldn't think that if you saw the Obamacare debate.
We need to teach our children how to debate the major life issues. Debate strengthens their beliefs and enables them to defend themselves against ideologies that are going to come their way.
The Republican - conservative Republican answer has always been when we lose it's because we're not ideological enough. If they lose midterm elections, that's why. If Obama defeats McCain and then Mitt Romney, it's because those two Republican candidates were not ideological enough.
The thing to remember is that Donald Trump didn't rescue the Republican Party, he crushed the Republican Party. The Republican Party was so weak that an outsider came along and just wiped it out.
What is absolutely clear is that if Trump is the nominee, Republicans cannot win. Maybe they can't win with Rubio or Cruz or Kasich. We don't know. But what is absolutely certain is that with Hillary Clinton locking up the Democratic base, she is going to win unless she has a strong contender who is going to be able to pull - not only bring the entire Republican Party on the side, but win moderates. Donald Trump cannot do that.
Well, I think the way to go is civil unions. But I do think when you talk about the Republican Party and the debates that are going on within the Republican Party on a number of issues, what I'm hoping is that they will get to a point where they will work with us on moving forward with this economy.
The Republicans in Congress, they believe in Ronald Reagan's Republican Party, not Donald Trump Republican Party or Steve Bannon's Republican Party.
I don't want to comment on media outlets, but I will tell you that if the Republican Party does not evolve, the Republican Party is going to die.
Most of Trump's support is not the conservative base. It's all over the spectrum. He's got support from women, Hispanics, blue-collar Democrats, the old Reagan Democrats. The demographic support that Trump has is what the Republican Party claims it wants. Meanwhile, the Republican Party is running around saying they want to win the nomination without the conservative base, without the pro-lifers, without the social issues crowd. Well, that's Trump.
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