A Quote by John Lewis

Donald Trump has made it clear that certainly over the last few years that President [Barack] Obama was born in Hawaii. — © John Lewis
Donald Trump has made it clear that certainly over the last few years that President [Barack] Obama was born in Hawaii.
Sixty one percent of Donald Trump`s supporters believe that President [Barack] Obama was not born in the United States.They believe Donald Trump`s lie about where President Obama was born, the lie he started telling four years ago and has since replaced with other hate-driven lies like the thousands of Muslims Donald Trump lies about having seen celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11.
I spent more time talking with this president [Donald Trump] in the last few days, I think, than I probably talked with this last president [Barack Obama] in the last six months. So this is something that he is working very closely hand in glove with congress.
Probably about 35 percent of Donald Trump`s supporters do not believe that President [Barack] Obama is Muslim or that he was not born in the United States.Those Trump supporters are not white supremacists. But if Trump did not have the support of Obama haters who believe that the President is a Muslim, who believe that he was not born in the United States, Donald Trump would lose two-thirds of his support.
Coming from Donald Trump, who pushed the racist birth conspiracy theory for years against Barack Obama, I think Barack Obama has been very much a gentleman. And he has a lot of reason to just not even bother to deal with Trump.
The United States had eight years of Barack Obama. He made it incredibly clear that he was a right-wing Democrat. He cited Ronald Reagan lovingly in every stump speech for the last six months of the presidential 2008 campaign. And he made it clear that he was going to be a business-friendly Democratic president, and that he was not going to rock the neoliberal boat. And he didn't.
They [President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton] have said that everybody should root for the success of President-Elect [Donald] Trump, but what about - those are the protesters protesting President-Elect Trump.
Mr. [Donald] Trump, for five years, you perpetuated a false claim that the nation's first black president was not a natural-born citizen. You questioned his legitimacy. In the last couple of weeks, you acknowledged what most Americans have accepted for years: The president was born in the United States.
Some Americans question Donald Trump's legitimacy as president. Others are angry any questioning occurs. Let's not forget that one of Donald Trump's claims to fame was precisely such questioning. He openly doubted the legitimacy - more than that, the citizenship - of President Barack Obama.
I'm not just going to go on these fishing expeditions. I didn't do that with President Obama. We didn't go through this with President [Barack] Obama. I think the world and certainly the American voters understand that Donald Trump has mass holdings. He's worth billions of dollars. He's been very successful in business. And I think the American voters understood that when they voted him in.
The point is not where Barack Obama was born, the point is is that we've got congressmen on the Democratic side of the aisle that are questioning the legitimacy of President-elect [Donald] Trump who won in an electoral landslide.
I confirm that and Donald Trump now confirms that President Barack Obama is a legitimately elected president of the United States].
We flipped over 200 counties that President [Barack] Obama won and Donald Trump just won, you [Jennifer Palmieri] think that's because of what you just said or because people aren't ready for a woman president?
I can't imagine that I would be asked that by the president-elect [Donald Trump], or then-president [Barack Obama]. But it's - I'm very clear. I voted for the change that put the Army Field Manual in place as a member of Congress. I understand that law very, very quickly and am also deeply aware that any changes to that will come through Congress and the president.
Donald Trump is doing well. Trump is shocking everybody. He's shocking the Democrats. He's shocking the Republicans. He's shocking world. Contrast what's happened here in just the last three days with eight years of Barack Obama. We have had no apologizing. We've had no bowing. We've had a president of the United States actually tell the heads of state of countries where terrorism is rampant to get rid of it, to drive it out. We've had a president of the United States directly confront Iran where his our previous president threw everybody else overboard for Iran.
What [President Donald Trump] is doing is taking away the executive overreach that President [Barack] Obama did which we thought exceeded his powers.
[ Donald Trump] deference to the president [Barack Obama] whose legitimacy he questioned.
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