A Quote by John Marin

Don't everlastingly read messages into paintings - there's the Daisy - you don't rave over or read messages into it - you just look at that bully little flower - isn't that enough?
It's scary to become a woman in this world. We have to understand that some of the messages we get, messages that we are not enough, are there to keep our power in check. We can't buy into these messages.
I personally run my social media, so I read all the messages. I get amazing messages. I try to respond as much as possible. Slow, but steady.
People are more likely to search for specific books in which they are actively interested and that justify all of that effort of reading them. Electronic images and sounds, however, thrust themselves into people's environments, and the messages are received with little effort. In a sense, people must go after print messages, but electronic messages reach out and touch people. People will expose themselves to information in electronic media that they would never bother to read about in a book.
We are what we have been told about ourselves. We are the sum of the messages we have received. The true messages. The false messages.
We live in times of high stress. Messages that are simple, messages that are inspiring, messages that are life-affirming, are a welcome break from our real lives.
Church is definitely still present in my life. Every Sunday I'm tuned in and then throughout the week I read scriptures, I read motivational messages.
I have worked really hard to get to where I am, and I like it when I read praise, and I get upset when I read bad messages. It's all part of being human.
Marketers want to get their messages in front of you. They must get their messages in front of you, just to survive. The only problem is-do you really want more marketing messages?
What data can tell you is if you have 10 messages, all of which you believe, it can tell you which messages are resonating and which aren't. And if you break it down even further, the truth of the matter is some messages resonate one place and other messages resonate another place.
We can quiet our minds enough to tune in to what our bodies are telling us - I believe in angels - and we need to listen to the messages being sent. They are real messages - just as real as a human saying something to you.
When the writing is going well, I'm obsessive. I don't shower, I don't take phone calls, I hardly respond to text messages, I don't do email. I take breaks only to read, and usually I read poetry. When it's not going well, I just lie in bed and eat chocolate.
Ultimately I look at the long-term goal of communicating messages. Although I've seen some traumatic things, delivering messages of comfort and closure allow for a sense of peace.
Read. Read every chance you get. Read to keep growing. Read history. Read poetry. Read for pure enjoyment. Read a book called Life on a Little Known Planet. It's about insects. It will make you feel better.
A citizen walking through the airport today is bombarded with 1984-style propaganda messages that are designed to make us fear some amorphous threat and also be suspicious of others. The government designs these messages to make us feel dependent and heavily lorded over in every aspect of our lives. These messages are becoming ever more pervasive, hitting us even in grocery stores when we are shopping.
The world is crammed with messages. We’ll never have time to read them all.
I regularly read Internet user groups filled with messages from people trying to solve software incompatibility problems that, in terms of complexity, make the U.S. Tax Code look like Dr. Seuss.
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