A Quote by John McCain

Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends. — © John McCain
Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends.
God gives us our relatives, thank God we can choose our friends.
God gives us our relatives – thank God we can choose our friends.
I thank God I'm myself and for the life I'm given to live and for friends and lovers and beloveds, and I thank God for knowing that all those people have already paid for me.
God gives us relatives; thank God, we can choose our friends.
When the pangs shoot through our body, and ghastly death appears in view, people see the patience of the dying Christian. Our infirmities become the black velvet on which the diamond of God's love glitters all the more brightly. Thank God I can suffer ! Thank God I can be made the object of shame and contempt, for in this way God shall be glorified.
Thank God for 9/11. Thank God that, five years ago, the wrath of God was poured out upon this evil nation. America, land of the sodomite damned. We thank thee, Lord God Almighty, for answering the prayers of those that are under the altar.
At least with [Hillary] Clinton, you know, there was some degree of transparency. There was some sense of what's going on here, and a lot to be very alarmed about, whether it's the - you know, the Prince Bandar and, you know, the princes of Saudi Arabia, or Bahrain, or the Russians that she enabled to acquire 20 percent of our uranium supply. I mean, really outrageous stuff. The arms deals, et., a lot of grave concern.
Dear friends, we may well sing to our Beloved when it is near the time of our departure. It draws near, and as it approaches, we must not dread it, but rather thank God for it.
As I go into a cemetery I like to think of the time when the dead shall rise from their graves. ... Thank God, our friends are not buried; they are only sown!
A romantic relationship might very well have been initiated by God, but the moment our focus moves from our Prince to a human love story is the moment we cease to guard our sanctuary, and our entire foundation for success crumbles into ashes. A relationship that leads us closer to our Prince and carefully protects our inner sanctuary is the key to discovering romance as it was truly intended to be...a little taste of heaven on earth.
How much would our churches be transformed if each of us made it a practice to thank God for others and then to tell those others what it is about them that we thank God for?
The words "Think and Thank" are inscribed in many of the Cromwellian churches of England. These words ought to be inscribed in our hearts, too: "Think and Thank". Think of all we have to be grateful for, and thank God for all our boons and bounties.
When we started becoming friends [with Prince], I was really doing a lot of cocaine, and he hated that. Prince was so against drugs.
I thank you, God, in Heaven, for friends.
Thank God I have the right friends.
The Saudis and Emiratis blame all of this on Iran. I think they’d have to grant, that as has been said, that the Houthis are an internally generated movement in Yemen and the Saudis were supposed to be dealing with the Houthis, who started out in essence along their border. So one of the things that we’re seeing is a complete failure of Saudi policy toward Yemen over the past 10 years, but the Saudis totally believe that the reason the Houthis are able to succeed militarily is the amount of money, advice, and guns they are receiving from Iran.
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