A Quote by John McCain

We were pleased to hear the President state his firm commitment that he will do whatever is necessary to accomplish this important goal. — © John McCain
We were pleased to hear the President state his firm commitment that he will do whatever is necessary to accomplish this important goal.
I'm confident President Obama will continue his unambiguous commitment to the Jewish state in his second term.
My goal in politics from the very beginning has been, and will be, the goal of giving Ukraine a chance to finally secure a firm footing in the world as a competitive, independent and real European state.
With President Obama, there's a feeling that he gets it. He has women in his life. He knows that our health care is important, that it's important able to get access to the care that we need when we need it. That's what translates. Women hear that when they hear him speak about these issues. He will be a champion and will defend us when we need it.
It's important to resolve to yourself, 'I will absolutely win!' Then this firm commitment will serve as the wellspring of great wisdom and courage that surges forth from within.
I am encouraged by the president-elect's [Donald Trump] insistence that NATO is a commitment that does not change. And his full commitment to NATO as the foundation for our international security I think is very important.
I don't question any American president in terms of his commitment to the security of the state of Israel.
State Farm is pleased to support the Common Core State Standards Initiative. State by State adoption of these standards is an important step towards maintaining our country s competitive edge. With a skilled and prepared workforce, the business community will be better prepared to face the challenges of the international marketplace.
Focus on what it is that you want, set a realistic goal. Start setting goals that you feel you can accomplish. Don't try to go right to the top in one leap. Every time you accomplish a goal you develop the strength and wisdom to accomplish the next one.
If the president were standing here with me today, he would say he works for the American people. I work for him, so I also work for the American people, but his objective and his commitment is to bring transparency and truth back to government, to share the truth, even when it's hard to hear.
I would define success as setting a goal for yourself and then accomplishing it. I think successful people set out to do something and then just do it. They know before they accomplish their goal that they will, in fact, accomplish it.
I'm of the belief that you can have only one commander-in-chief at a time, only one president at a time. President Bush is our president. Whatever he decides vis-a-vis war or peace in Iraq is what we will do as a country. And I for one will swing in behind him as a citizen ... and support whatever his decision is.
The United States has an absolute, uncompromising commitment to Israel's security and an absolute conviction that Israel alone must decide the steps necessary to ensure that security. That is Israel's prerogative. We accept that. We endorse that. Whatever Israel decides cannot, will not, will never, not ever, alter our fundamental commitment to her security.
I appreciate President Trump's commitment and invitation to play a role in strengthening State and Federal government partnerships. It's important that we discuss best practices to tackle shared challenges and priorities.
I am telling you, as a president of the country, I do not find it a mistake to listen to you and to respond to your requests and demands. But it is shameful and I will not, nor will ever accept to hear foreign dictations, whatever the source might be or whatever the context it came in.
Work ethic, confidence, a laser focus and commitment to accomplish a goal that most people can never imagine.
It is not the ownership of the instruments of production which it is important for the State to assume. If the State is able to determine the aggregate amount of resources devoted to augmenting the instruments and the basic rate of reward to those who own them, it will have accomplished all that is necessary. Moreover, the necessary measures of socialization can be introduced gradually and without a break in the general traditions of society.
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