A Quote by John Oliver

I know I'd be an absolutely horrendous politician. — © John Oliver
I know I'd be an absolutely horrendous politician.
You do not know, you cannot know, the difficulty of the life of a politician. It means every minute of the day or night, every ounce of your energy. There is no rest, no relaxation. Enjoyment? A politician does not know the meaning of the word.
It's not something that defines me. I'm not a half-Indian politician or a doctor politician or a gay politician for that matter... it is part of my character, I suppose.
I do not regard myself as a Christian politician. I regard myself as a politician who just happens to think religion matters. I would be appalled, absolutely appalled, to think religion drove anyone's politics in a secular democracy like ours.
I only use Tinder to have horrible conversations with people. I accidentally liked this man on there and he sent me some really horrendous things. I was like, 'I'm gonna be even more horrendous.' I was by myself, having the time of my life. Then I felt slightly sick.
If you hear somebody say something absolutely horrendous about their own life, in quite a flippant, offbeat kind of way, when you meet people clearly trying to be strong and brave, the ones who are really good at it are the ones who break my heart the most.
I find this accusation so horrendous, so monstrous, that I have decided to confront it head-on by talking to the press. I am frustrated and angry. I believe that I am absolutely, 100 per cent innocent. I assure you: I have never taken drugs.
A politician is a man who understands government, and it takes a politician to run a government. A statesman is a politician who's been dead 10 or 15 years.
I hear from people all the time and it infuriates me that 'President Obama's a brilliant politician.' No he absolutely is not.
If you saw my musical collection it's absolutely horrendous, I've got everything from Stockhausen to The Beach Boys to Gina G, all sorts of terrible things and other people come here and look at my record collection and go, "Ah, you can't possibly like that - how embarrassing!"
And we know there has been horrendous loss of life and suffering and we know that there is anger. Anyone who came anywhere near the general election in constituencies with a substantial Muslim population knows that.
I can't be sure God does not exist. On a scale of seven, where one means I know he exists, and seven I know he doesn't, I call myself a six. That doesn't mean I'm absolutely confident, that I absolutely know, because I don't.
I was told to have an ice bath once, which I did once, and it was the most horrific experience. In my head it sounded like a great idea, so I filled my bath with ice and water, and it was absolutely horrendous.
The most meaningless term in the English language is 'I take full responsibility.' When a politician utters those words it means absolutely nothing.
The most meaningless term in the English language is "I take full responsibility." When a politician utters those words it means absolutely nothing.
Don't give up. There are lessons to be learned even in the most horrendous pain. And you don't know that when you're young.
Donald Trump is succeeding right now for sure. He is a gifted politician. But, he is just a gifted politician. He`s just a gifted politician that is appealing to people`s anger and frustration that is quite legitimate.
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