A Quote by John Redwood

Brexit will be good for the U.K. — © John Redwood
Brexit will be good for the U.K.
There is no form of Brexit that will be good for our country but a no-deal Brexit will be the most catastrophic of them all.
I accept of course we're in deep trouble and deep difficulty. But if we, under a new leader, reinvent ourselves properly as a Brexit party, we will be faced with the inevitability at some point of a general election in order to deliver Brexit because this Parliament is stopping the delivery of Brexit.
I believe that Theresa May is going to end up with a botched Brexit that will satisfy no one and make sure that calls for a people's vote on the final Brexit deal will only get louder.
The public wants to know that their political leaders will stay true to the promise made to them that Brexit means Brexit.
The Conservatives as a Brexit party, being very clear about their objectives are almost certainly going to have to go into some kind of electoral arrangement with the Brexit Party, otherwise Brexit doesn't happen.
The truth is the Tories don't own Brexit. No party owns Brexit and that includes the Brexit Party.
Brexit is not ideal. I'm famously not a Brexit negotiator, but relations between Ireland and the U.K. have been getting stronger, and a big part of that has been trade and feeling like sister countries within the E.U. I don't think it will affect the 'vibe' of relations, but it will have a significant effect on trade and business.
In Britain ever more, they will realize that Brexit, well, has consequences - economic, commercial, partnerships. Perhaps during the referendum the impression was given that once the Brexit button was pushed everything would take care of itself easily. Well, that is not true.
Britain needs a good Brexit deal to safeguard jobs, security and trade and to build a new partnership with the E.U. Achieving this will be fiendishly difficult.
Austerity and Brexit are two sides of the same coin, like the Brexit party and the Tories.
The people should make the final decision on Brexit when they see the government's Brexit deal.
There is no upside for the U.K. in Brexit. Only costs that can be avoided and advantages to be seized by remaining in Europe. No one should have to pay the Brexit tax.
The first job of the Brexit Party is to make sure Brexit's delivered and if that involves electoral pacts, that might happen.
Brexit means Brexit.The public made their verdict.
My position was that if the country could unite around a soft Brexit that would be the least worst way through. But it is now very clear that the country is not going to unite around a soft Brexit. There is nobody really advocating a soft Brexit.
We will vote down a blind Brexit. This isn't about frustrating the process. It's about stopping a destructive Tory Brexit. It's about fighting for our values and about fighting for our country.
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