A Quote by John Reuben Zappin

The idea of The Boy Vs. The Cynic is the tension between the wide-eyed optimism in youthfulness where you think nothing can go wrong, "I've got the world ahead of me. I'm gonna be a go-getter.
The tension between the governed and the governing is what makes the world go 'round. It's not love, it's that tension, because that tension exists in love affairs. The whole idea of control is at the heart of human relationships. Control and resistance to control.
People are never quiet. It's go, go, go. I'm a go-getter, but you need rest and silence, just to sit around and think about things.
There's nothing wrong with loving your country. There's nothing wrong with caring about who gets into your country. There's nothing wrong about wanting your country to be great. There's nothing wrong with thinking that the country comes before the world. There's nothing wrong at all, and that's been wrong in the past and we're gonna make it right. We're gonna love America, we're gonna unify, we're gonna make America great again.
The whole idea of genre and categorising films is a critic's construct. For me, I just try and make stories and see where they go, but there's nothing wrong with horror; there's nothing wrong with romantic comedies.
It would be wrong to plan too much ahead of a match. You've got to go with the flow, go with your instincts.
Nothing can go wrong in this world but yourself ; and you can go wrong only by getting into the wrong mental attitude.
I think I'm true to myself - you hear that actors have like plans. I'm gonna do this type of movie, then I'm gonna play this kind of character, and that'll get me from A to B. I've never done that. I honestly just follow my gut and I don't think you can go wrong with that.
Those who feel they are clean, go ahead and throw the first rock. If you're clean, if you have not done anything wrong or been accused of anything wrong, go ahead and start the show.
It's good to be a cynic. I'm a cynic. But the best part of being a cynic is somebody proving you wrong.
Unless you've a lot of passion about this, you're not gonna survive. You're gonna give it up. So you've got to have an idea or a wrong that you want to right that you're passionate about, otherwise you're not gonna have the perseverance to stick it through. I think it's half the battle right there.
If I was a condiment, I'm gonna go ahead and say I would be Sriracha, because I go well with other things. I'm too much for some people, and hipsters like me.
There's the idea that you have to know how to solve the world's problems in order to feel that something is morally wrong. I'm always back and forth between optimism and depression about the situation.
The average pencil is seven inches long, with just a half-inch eraser - in case you thought optimism was dead In fact maybe there is a lesson there for how we should approach the future...with fourteen parts optimism - anticipating what could go right and the benefits - and one part pessimism - anticipating what could go wrong so we can avoid them.
I gotta go on doin' it the way I see it...I got no choice but to take it like I see it. I'm here to have a party while I'm on this earth...I'm gettin' it now, today. I don't even know where I'm gonna be twenty years from now, so I'm just gonna keep on rockin', cause if I start saving up bits and pieces of me...man, there ain't gonna be nothing left for Janis.
On Hillary's side, I don't think it gets more establishment than Hillary Clinton. If I had one word to describe Hillary, it would be 'beholden.' Nothing's gonna really change. Government's gonna have the answer to everything, and that's gonna mean taxes are gonna go up.
I think I'm the happiest person in the world, I swear to you. I'm like continuously catching my mind, like, 'Wow, like, everything is perfect in my life, there's nothing wrong.' I'm just so scared to even admit it because I want nothing to go wrong.
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