A Quote by John Rhys-Davies

How stupid do you have to be to imagine that you can turn 'The Lord Of The Rings' into a film script? — © John Rhys-Davies
How stupid do you have to be to imagine that you can turn 'The Lord Of The Rings' into a film script?
'Lord of the Rings' was going on; like, my college years were the years of 'Lord of the Rings,' an awesome time to be in film school.
My family's a huge fan of 'Lord of the Rings.' My dad probably preaches from 'Lord of the Rings' as much as he does the Bible.
Are Christians too stupid that we can't write a script, we can't film a movie OR we don't know how to act?
After 'The Fellowship of the Ring,' the films that followed it, instead of having their own unique aesthetic, they all wanted to be 'Lord of the Rings' as opposed to learning from 'Lord of the Rings.'
Lord of the Rings is a good thing for us because it opened the door for the genre in general. Le Guin's stories are very different from Lord of the Rings.
I would definitely line up for 'The Lord of the Rings.' I'm a huge 'Lord of the Rings' geek.
What I enjoy most about 'The Lord of the Rings' is that extended cut. To be able to sit there on a Sunday afternoon and watch 'The Lord of the Rings' from beginning to end is pretty fun.
Lord of the Rings is a good thing for us because it opened the door for the genre in general. Ursula Le Guin's stories are very different from Lord of the Rings.
I hadn't watched 'Lord of the Rings' - I'm gonna get so much flack for this, but I hadn't watched 'Lord of the Rings' when I started watching 'Game of Thrones.'
When you start out as an actor, you read a script thinking of it at its best. But that's not usually the case in general, and usually what you have to do is you have to read a script and think of it at its worst. You read it going, "OK, how bad could this be?" first and foremost. You cannot make a good film out of a bad script. You can make a bad film out of a good script, but you can't make a good film out of a bad script.
I just turn on the TV and watch whatever is on, like 'Star Wars' or 'Lord of the Rings.'
That changes your whole perception of the film, your perception of the ending...The challenge for us, especially with the Lord of the Rings is how do we deliver that one piece of information that makes you look at the films differently?
Well, there's two things I have criteria for doing a film: The script, which is the story, and the filmmaker, and it's a filmmaker's medium. I like really strong directors, and so when I do a film, I'm out there to serve the director, really, which is in turn to serve the script, to serve the director cause he's the one making the film. I relied on Todd Haynes for that.
When I first read 'Lord of the Rings,' I wanted to see a film of it. But at that time, the technology wasn't there; there was no such thing as CGI.
When I first read Lord of the Rings I wanted to see a film of it. But at that time the technology wasn't there, there was no such thing as CGI.
I think the script is the key. Regardless of how great everybody else is working on a film, if you're working on a script that you don't think is great, you're not gonna be able to make a great film. Whereas if the script is great, then you can.
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