A Quote by John Stossel

When entrepreneurs are free to compete, they grow the pie so that everyone's share gets larger. — © John Stossel
When entrepreneurs are free to compete, they grow the pie so that everyone's share gets larger.
When the economic pie grows larger, it's always possible for everyone to have a larger slice than before. So it's really in all of our interest to make the economic pie larger by eliminating waste whenever and wherever possible.
I'm not trying to take more of the pie for myself. I'm trying to make the pie larger for everyone.
Instead, I have an abundance mentality: When people are genuinely happy at the successes of others, the pie gets larger.
Give everyone a chance to have a piece of the pie. If the pie's not big enough, make a bigger pie.
For us as players, revenue sharing, getting a larger percentage of the pie, is important, but also the overall growth of that pie is important.
Labor is not fighting for a larger slice of the national pie-labor is fighting for a larger pie.
Basically if you study entrepreneurs, there is a misnomer: People think that entrepreneurs take risk, and they get rewarded because they take risk. In reality entrepreneurs do everything they can to minimize risk. They are not interested in taking risk. They want free lunches and they go after free lunches.
'Rather than fighting over a piece of the pie, can we grow the pie?' is really our model.
This is tremendous. The labels have been saying all along that they can't compete with free, but there is a way to compete with free: high value content that's virus- free and gives people the chance to be first in line to buy expensive concert tickets. This is like loyalty clubs at the supermarkets.
I want our pie to grow all the people, but if some other guy's pie is growing a little faster, that's terrific.
You want to grow. To compete effectively - - even if you weren't going to grow, just to maintain your position - - you look at who you're competing with. And everyone you're competing with is changing to get better, sometimes dramatically.
I believe that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, when everyone plays by the same rules.
Never say 'no' to pie. No matter what, wherever you are, diet-wise or whatever, you know what? You can always have a small piece of pie, and I like pie. I don't know anybody who doesn't like pie. If somebody doesn't like pie, I don't trust them. I'll bet you Vladimir Putin doesn't like pie.
That is the definition of equal justice under law: everyone gets a fair shot, everyone pays their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules.
Everyone feels awkward, everyone feels uncomfortable, everyone gets older, everyone gets lonely, everyone gets sick, everyone eventually dies.
You know, I had a new kind of thought on Black Lives Matter and the All Lives Matter thing. And the best way to explain it is if we're all sitting around at a table having dinner, and everybody gets pie except for you and you say, my pie matters, I don't have pie, and everybody at the table looks at you and says, I know, all pie matters, it shows that the people at the table aren't really listening.
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