A Quote by John Updike

Figure out where you're going before you go there: he was told that a long time ago. — © John Updike
Figure out where you're going before you go there: he was told that a long time ago.
I told my grandma a long time ago that I was going to take my mom and dad out the hood.
People spend their careers trying to figure out what makes a hit single. But I learned a long time ago that you can't anticipate what people want, because it's always going to change.
I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out what will happen in an acting career.
We not only heard it before 20 years ago, before George Bush in 2001 passed his tax relief, before in 2003 the tax relief were past, we were told they were dead. Before we provided prescription drugs for Medicare, we were told it wasn't going to happen.
I think that drive to fight the fight day in and day out, I think that can go away. You can lose that. As long as you continue to be consumed and overwhelmed with the desire to get better and find another way and keep competing to figure out what you can do to help make this guy be better than he was a day ago, as long as that's there, I don't agree.
"Benghazi happened a long time ago. We are unaware of any agency blocking an employee who would like to appear before Congress to provide information related to Benghazi." This is the modus operandi of the regime - any Democrat regime, actually. You stonewall it for a few months, and then after a few months go by you say, "It's an old story." Didn't Watergate happen a long time ago? It still seems to be really relevant, Watergate.
They walked still farther and the girl said, "Is it true that long ago firemen put fires out instead of going to start them?" No. Houses have always been fireproof, take my word for it." Strange. I heard once that a long time ago houses used to burn by accident and they needed firemen to stop the flames.
Before turning 32 is an amazing time to do radical things. You figure out who you are while you figure out who you are not.
We forget when we're all grown up. 16 was a long time ago. It's hard to remember how freakin' difficult it is as 16! Life is not easy, and you're trying to figure stuff out.
In publishing books and winning awards, it's like you've enjoyed this meal, you know, two months ago. How long can you be nourished by thinking about it? You've already ingested it, and you've excreted it, and that was two months ago. You had this fabulous meal. It's not going to keep you satiated today. You have to go out and get your next meal. For me, that's writing. I have to go out and hunt my next meal.
My wife and I made a pact a long time ago we really don't give gifts on holidays. We figure if it's coming from the same bank account, why not take each other out for the day shopping or whatever.
Life is complicated. It wtarts before we're ready, it continues while we're still trying to figure out the point of it. And it ends long before we've worked out just what to do.
Those are the ones you look forward to: going against a great, talented player, someone who's going to be in this league for a long time, who you're going to be seeing for a long time. Get a chance to go out, compete, and just have fun. Those are the fun match-ups.
When I finally invent a time machine you will already know about it because I'll have told you a long time ago.
I have a degree in finance and these things kind of all go beyond me in a sense. I have a degree from a long time ago before computers.
Evaluate. Long experience had taught me to evaluate and assess. When the unexpected gets dumped on you, don’t waste time. Don’t figure out how or why it happened. Don’t recriminate. Don’t figure out whose fault it is. Don’t work out how to avoid the same mistake next time. All of that you do later. If you survive.
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