A Quote by John Walter Bratton

Over a pint in the pub, you have a good moan That's the fate of every Magpie While Mam perfects her game show skills Giving talks at the WI
I do miss the social aspect of sitting in a pub with a pint but you know what when I get down to it I never went for a pint. I went to a pub to get f**ked up. If it was just going for a pint that would be ok but once I start I just can't stop.
Paris is cafe culture, Dublin is pub culture, and that's the best place to solve all the world's problems: over a pint! One of the great joys of living, I think. The problems of the world seem to disappear.
We need to show how we really are and how we really are is that I'm the Dad, that's the Mom, these are the kids. This is how you respect us. It's "Yes Sir", "No Sir", "Yes Mam" and "No Mam". We don't see a lot of that on TV, so I just want to give an example and show examples on how a family should be versus how families are portrayed on TV.
There's no better feeling in the world than when I walk in a pub, or a nightclub or a bar or a supermarket, anywhere, and you see people out the corner of your eye and they're going, 'Hey, there's Ricky Hatton. Isn't he a good lad, coming for a pint with us in here?' It makes you feel proud.
It's possible at any time during a player's career to get into top physical shape or to try to win every game! But you can't teach skills to an old player. Youth coaches should keep in mind that individual skills need to be nurtured at an early age. Players who haven't mastered the fundamental skills become frustrated because the game gets too difficult for them as they move into higher levels.
One of the most awkward things that can happen in a pub is when your pint-to-toilet cycle gets synchronised with a complete stranger.
Every time a new nation, America or Russia for instance, advances toward civilization, the human race perfects itself; every time an inferior class emerges from enslavement and degradation, the human race again perfects itself.
I am much more happy in a country pub with 10 blokes having a pint than going to a night club.
A guy walks into a pub with a lump of asphalt on His shoulder, He says to the bar man give us a pint and one for the road.
Some seek the comfort of their therapist's office, other head to the corner pub and dive into a pint, but I chose running as my therapy.
Ah, I often think it's wi' th' old folks as it is wi' the babies; they're satisfied wi' looking, no matter what they're looking at. It's God A'mighty's way o' quietening 'em, I reckon, afore they go to sleep.
I viewed it as a business, but I always viewed it as a game. An opportunity to show my skills, my basketball skills, amongst the best in the world.
Every time we have a woman on-screen, we can empower her in a different way rather than just giving a speech on the importance of equality and empowerment. I think sometimes we have to show her as powerful.
There's something wonderful about drinking in the afternoon. A not-too-cold pint, absolutely alone at the bar - even in this fake-ass Irish pub.
I go back to when we met with the late Steve Jobs. He couldn't understand why we didn't put Wi-Fi in every cable set box. And I literally went home and said, 'Tell me again - what's Wi-Fi?'
I don't even have any good skills. You know like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills!
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