A Quote by John Walter Bratton

As a World-trekker, go-getter Retirement won't have you stopping You'll be seen where the bananas and mangos come from At the supermarket....doing the shopping
A couple of weeks after the Olympics, I thought I'd pop down to my local supermarket and do some grocery shopping. One person came up to me in the frozen food aisle, and that was it. I was mobbed, and I had to leave my shopping. Now, I either shop online or go very late at night when the supermarket's nearly empty.
Every week, I heave open a supermarket skip and find therein a more exotic shopping list of items than I could possibly have invented - Belgian chocolates, ripe bananas, almond croissants, stone-ground raisin bread - often so much it would have fed a hundred people.
Here, you go to the supermarket and you have wipes to clean your hands before shopping. No, we don't have that in France, but we recycle.
At the opening of our exhibition at Deitch Projects in New York we featured a wall of 10,000 bananas. Green bananas created a pattern against a background of yellow bananas spelling out the sentiment: Self-confidence produces fine results. After a number of days the green bananas turned yellow too and the type disappeared. When the yellow background bananas turned brown, the type (and the self-confidence) appeared again, only to go away when all bananas turned brown.
Our team security said, even if you go to a supermarket, have someone with you. So everywhere I go - grocery shopping, practice, go to games, go to plays - I always have someone with me because you never know, a lone wolf, one of the crazy Erdogan supporters will do something.
I want to do a book called 'Shopping and Cooking for One with Tony Danza,' where I will show you how to shop. And, by the way, it should be a movement, because there are many single people in this world. You go to the supermarket, and you need celery, you gotta buy a whole head of celery. It's very difficult for single people.
It's fun to go to a supermarket or a park or a shopping mall where human beings convene. They're so caught up in their own personal reality as to not see life, except in terms that add to or detract from their movie.
I'm just a go-getter. I tell people all the time - I feel like I'm supposed to be successful, no matter what I'm doing.
Mum's always been a go-getter and passed on the same values to us. From starting her own supermarket to learning new things and staying updated on technology and applications, she's always constantly learning and growing as a person. So, I didn't have to look outside the house for a role model because my mum was right there, ambitious and driven.
The idea of The Boy Vs. The Cynic is the tension between the wide-eyed optimism in youthfulness where you think nothing can go wrong, "I've got the world ahead of me. I'm gonna be a go-getter.
The online shopping paradigm is finally changing. Indeed, I think we’ve seen more innovation in the last 10 months than in the last 10 years. We’ve seen an explosion of interesting technologies and opportunities that seek to change online shopping.
People are never quiet. It's go, go, go. I'm a go-getter, but you need rest and silence, just to sit around and think about things.
People would be amazed by the ordinary life William and I live. I do my own shopping. Sometimes, when I come away from the meat counter in my local supermarket, I worry someone will snap me with their phone. But I am determined to have a relatively normal life, and if I am lucky enough to have children, they can have one, too.
I do most of my shopping over the Internet because as a busy working mum I can do the supermarket shop when the kids have gone to bed.
If I have free time, I want to go to the beach, walk around a shopping mall, go grocery shopping. Live a little bit of life.
I found out retirement means playing golf, or I don't know what the hell it means. But to me, retirement means doing what you have fun doing.
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