A Quote by John Warren Kindt

The military should get rid of video gambling devices on nearly 100 overseas bases and posts — © John Warren Kindt
The military should get rid of video gambling devices on nearly 100 overseas bases and posts
Actually, they should just roll it all back get rid of gambling...It destabilizes the U.S. economy
I have visited classrooms near military bases to learn more about what schools were doing to support their military kids. I met with teachers overseas to learn about the particular needs they face thousands of miles from America. And I listened to my own granddaughter, who dealt with her father's yearlong deployment to Iraq.
My father was in the service. His job was to integrate the Armed Forces overseas. So that meant we showed up at military bases in Okinawa or Germany, racially unannounced. That made me, in that particular society if you will, the outsider.
As a lifelong pacifist, Quaker, and a gay man, I despair that gays and lesbians are expending energy trying to get into the military when they should be using that same energy getting rid of the military completely.
The only business in the world bigger than gambling is religion...but gambling is not nearly so corrupt.
Gambling addicts usually lose their focus at work and problem military gambling poses a national security threat
When someone posts a Socialcam video, all of their followers get an instant notification.
I believe we should work and want to have the most powerful military, but hope we never have to use it. I strongly believe the military should know they are 100 percent supported by the commander in chief.
I think guilt is directional. You should get rid of it, but the way to get rid of it is not to get rid of the guilt feelings. It is to get rid of the wrong that you did that caused the guilt feelings.
Russia has two bases outside of Russia. America has 178 military bases throughout the world. Who's the aggressor?
Military families are increasingly living away from military bases, embedded in civilian neighborhoods. It gives military families and civilians the opportunity for greater exposure to one another, yet many feel lonely and isolated.
I don't want to get on base and just run for the sake of running. What good is it if you steal 100 bases and get caught 60 times?
The other piece of this is that we call for cutting our bloated and dangerous military budget. And this is something that is made possible by moving to 100% clean renewable energy, where we cannot justify wars for oil, and where we cannot justify having some 700, 800 bases gathered around the world in something like 100 countries in significant measure protecting either access to fossil fuels or protecting routes of transportation.
I always ask two questions: How many countries have military bases in the United States? And in how many countries does the United States not have military bases?
You would think that if neoliberals were in any way honest, after the collapse of the Soviet Union the first thing to do is get rid of the Red Army and the KGB, and build up the economy. Instead, they just get rid of the economy and keep the military and the KGB.
There is a growing subculture of barefoot runners, people who got rid of their shoes. And what they have found uniformly is you get rid of the shoes, you get rid of the stress, you get rid of the injuries and the ailments.
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