A Quote by John Wooden

Joy makes the longest journey too short. — © John Wooden
Joy makes the longest journey too short.
Sometimes in your life you will go on a journey. It will be the longest journey you have ever taken. It is the journey to find yourself.
The longest journey you'll ever make is the journey from the head to the heart
The journey of life is too short as compare with the journey of time, so keep your time.
The journey of life is both too short and too precious to be sidetracked by guilt trips.
Perhaps the longest journey is the journey within.
If kings would only determine not to extend their dominions until they had filled them with happiness, they would find the smallest territories too large, but the longest life too short for the full accomplishment of so grand and so noble an ambition.
Don't let your cool stand in the way of being soulful. Life is too short. Too short to hate. Too short to judge. Too short not to live for. Don't let anything or anyone get the best of you or your heart and mind. If you are going down... go down swinging, singing, and loving.
The longest journey is the journey inward.
The longest journey is the journey inwards. Of him who has chosen his destiny, Who has started upon his quest for the source of his being.
A journey does not need reasons. Before long, it proves to be reason enough in itself. One thinks that one is going to make a journey, yet soon it is the journey that makes or unmakes you.
Life is too short for any vain regretting... Between the swift sun's rising and its setting, we have no time for useless tears or fretting, life is too short.... Time is the best avenger if we wait, the years speed by, and on their wings bear healing, life is too short for aught but high endeavor-too short for spite, but long enough for love. And love lives on forever and forever.
The longest journey begins with a single step.
The first step of a journey is always the longest.
There is a wide world out there, full of pain, but filled with joy as well. The former keeps you on the path of growth and the latter makes the journey tolerable.
The longest journey begins with a single step, not with the turn of an ignition key. That’s the best thing about walking, the journey itself. It doesn’t much matter whether you get where you’re going or not. You’ll get there anyway. Every good hike brings you eventually back home. Right where you started.
You cannot be too gentle, too kind. Shun even to appear harsh in your treatment of each other. Joy, radiant joy, streams from the face of one who gives and kindles joy in the heart of one who receives.
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