A Quote by John Zimmer

When we first created the Lyft community, we wanted to make cities feel smaller and more connected by bringing people together through transportation. In 20 months since we launched, we've seen drivers and passengers redefine the true meaning of community through Lyft in countless ways.
Lyft treats people better than competition. So whether that's drivers or passengers, that goes into the car experience. That's why more and more people are choosing Lyft.
Lyft Line is our biggest step in bringing down prices... We've been thinking about this ever since we launched Lyft. We always intended to do it.
The main difference to me with Lyft is the sense of community and social experience. The pink mustache, fist bump and strict screening have fostered a strong sense of community with many stories of new friends, discovered jobs, and even some Lyft hugs after a tough break up.
Lyft is the fastest-growing on-demand transportation service in the United States. It's as easy as opening the Lyft app, clicking a button, and a driver arrives within minutes.
We stay true to our values, and that's very people-centric, and taking care of our drivers, and drivers taking care of our passengers, and what we're seeing now is a driver preference and a passenger preference for Lyft.
With Lyft Line, we are matching two or more passengers who are heading the same way. That's how we're going deeper and are able to provide transportation for different kinds of trips.
We created Lyft because we want to establish a radically different concept of personal transportation. We want people to think of transportation as a service enabled by technology instead of as an expensive and large piece of hardware to own.
There's a massive opportunity as more and more millennials and others in cities switch over from car ownership to transportation as a service. They are picking Lyft, and we want to stay focused on that big opportunity.
I did pick Lyft, but Lyft didn't seem amazing.
The company culture is about being human, being good to other people. We recently did a survey with our drivers. 48 out of 50 said that they preferred driving with Lyft because they said that passengers were friendlier.
We see Lyft as not just an app, but a movement of people coming together in cities and having conversations about things that matter. You're around some of the most interesting people in the world, and you don't talk to them. More and more people are craving in-person interactions.
If we want every car on the road to be a Lyft, we need to make it incredibly convenient for drivers.
In our economic structure, the people who work the hardest oftentimes make the least. I know migrant farm workers who do back-breaking labor every day, or Uber drivers and Lyft drivers who drive 10 to 12 hours a day in traffic. You can't be lazy doing that kind of work.
When we launched WeWork back in 2010, we saw our opportunity to build community by bringing people together.
While there is still certainly much more work that needs to be done, Lyft actually believes in increasing diversity and inclusion within their workforce, and also, they believe in being a strong supporter of that in the community.
Eight out of 10 drivers prefer driving for Lyft. We'll keep delivering our message. We'll keep talking about how we want to push forward the future of transportation in a people-centric way, and the narrative has already changed dramatically in the past year, and will continue to change as we continue to tell our story.
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