A Quote by Jon Gruden

Having been in the league with five different franchises, I know what the meaning of Monday Night Football is. It's usually the best games and the greatest venue outside the playoffs.
When I was five years old I would see Champions League games and I asked God to let me have a part in these games and to show my quality to the world and to be famous for football and to try my best.
When I was a kid, I just wanted to be outside. I didn't grow up watching football. Didn't ever watch a college game. I watched 'Monday Night Football' because my dad liked it, but we didn't sit around on Sundays. I was outside, playing, training, whatever.
I love football. My weekends are booked. Saturday college games and Sunday NFL and 'Monday Night Football.' Booked! Football is first, then basketball and then everything else.
Monday Night Football. That was everything to me because you get a chance to show everybody what you're capable of. It's only two teams on that Monday night.
Well 'Monday Night Football,' I think the players kind of like it because they like the attention, and it's a lot of attention. But on the other hand, it's a disruption of the routine we used to have to play on Monday night. If you're a player, you sit around all day waiting for a game. It's different than when you play at noon.
It was great fun being part of a TV series that I'd been a fan of for five years. I've been watching it every single Monday when with my wife. It was like a ritual - every Monday night on HBO Nordic, we would watch 'Game of Thrones' together.
I watch football all the time. I enjoy getting home on Monday nights and watch 'Monday Night Football,' and 'Sunday Night Football' when we get home early enough on Sunday nights.
'Monday Night Football' is a competitor to 'Monday Night Raw.'
I am and always have been a football guy. My relationship with 'Monday Night Football' lasted 21 years, which is unprecedented for any theme song to be on the air that long.
Playing pretty big minutes in the playoffs and having career games in the playoffs is something you dream of as a kid but never really think will happen.
Watching all the football over the weekend - and having to wait until Monday night to play - gets you ready, gets you firing.
There are many reasons why I hate college football. The 4-hour games drone on longer than Steve Lyons during the American League playoffs. The ever-expanding season threatens to creep into early July. Boise, Idaho, hosts a bowl game. And it's played on blue artificial turf.
Nintendo has an enviable position of having the best franchises in this industry in terms of 'Mario' and 'Zelda' and 'Metroid' and 'Donkey Kong' and all of those great franchises. Together, those are a library that any developer would kill for.
I would like to be in the playoffs. I would hope that there is some opportunity to go and play in the playoffs. Those are the best games, the most fun for sure, and you have a chance to win.
The facts are, the reality is, you can't really enjoy it. You win a football match and by the time you get to Saturday night, having a beer or a Chinese, you're already thinking about Monday morning, the next game.
Retaining 'Monday Night Football' simply did not make smart financial sense for ABC. We could not reconcile the fees against the revenue. We love football at ABC. It's been a love affair for 36 years. It will go down in the history of sports television, being created on ABC and with this magnificent run. But at this point, given the success we're having with our entertainment product and the financials, we deemed that this was the proper move for us. We're not looking back .
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