A Quote by Jon Stewart

I don't approve of political jokes; I have seen too many of them get elected. — © Jon Stewart
I don't approve of political jokes; I have seen too many of them get elected.
I don't do a lot of political jokes. Too many are getting elected.
I'm offended by political jokes. Too often they get elected.
Jokes apart, I, like many other, am looking for strong and stable government. I don't want any chaotic political situation where the elected government is being toppled frequently.
Office holders are a self-selected group; you don't get elected if you don't put your name on the ballot. There are many people who would do a great job, but who would never think to run. Find them. Badger them. Get them elected. They might not thank you for it, but a lot of other people will.
Despite the belief of many career bureaucrats that elected political leadership works for them, our system is built on the idea that the permanent bureaucracy, such as it exists, works for the elected leadership, which in turn works for and represents the American public.
During a political campaign everyone is concerned with what a candidate will do on this or that question if he is elected except the candidate; he's too busy wondering what he'll do if he isn't elected.
Many of the political jokes that circulated in the Third Reich were directed at Goering. He collected them [all] in a large leather notebook and delighted in re-telling most of them to his friends.
The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.
We have to fundamentally change the way people are elected to political office in this country, as well as the types of people that are going into political office. It's dysfunctional because people on each side are only talking to themselves - they're not talking to each other and that is a function of how they get elected.
One of the problems in Washington is there are far too many politicians who desperately just want to get re-elected.
There are too many books I haven’t read, too many places I haven’t seen, too many memories I haven’t kept long enough.
There are too many books I haven't read, too many places I haven't seen, too many memories I haven't kept long enough.
Most headlines are set too big to be legible in the magazines or newspaper. Never approve a layout until you have seen it pasted into the magazine or newspaper for which it was destined. If you pin up the layouts on a bulletin board and appraise them from fifteen feet, you will produce posters.
Politicians generally respond to who is going to help them get elected and re-elected.
I've seen too many comments, too many stories from a fan, or first-time fans that have come to a race in years past and the first thing they say is, 'I seen the Confederate flag flying, it made me feel uncomfortable.'
I'm old enough now that I've been around and I've seen a lot more things than I had seen when I started this program 27 years. I have seen presidents in action. I have been to the White House a number of times. I have been to fundraisers. I have been seen what happens at fundraisers. I've seen how elected officials treat fundraisers and donors and, believe me, the world revolves around them.
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