A Quote by Jonathan Chait

It's pretty clear that Hillary Clinton was a deeply, deeply flawed alternative. She had the wrong combination of the internal political chops to muscle out all the mainstream nominations from the field, leaving only Bernie Sanders, who was unacceptable to the Democrats' party establishment. But she also had a real lack of political skill that would enable her to win the general election.
No matter what Bernie Sanders did, no matter how many delegates he was getting, Hillary Clinton was always going to trump this, and Bernie never had a chance. That's the real rigging of an election; that's the real interference in an election, and nobody talks about that, including Crazy Bernie.
There's no question that frankly Hillary Clinton took positions that she never had before because of this political movement. If you look at her opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which she had previously repeatedly called the gold standard, she now says she's against it.
The two reasons that Bernie Sanders gave her fits was the Iraq War and her association with Wall Street. Wall Street owns Hillary Clinton. Wall Street has bought Hillary Clinton and whatever policy considerations she can give them if she gets elected. They have bought her already. That's what all the speech income is really all about.
I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary's [Clinton] people had something to do with putting them on these evenings because that's what she did to Bernie Sanders.
If Hillary Clinton had won the election, which, thank God she didn't, but if she had... she would have fired Comey immediately.
The Sanders campaign showed that a candidate with mildly progressive programs could win the nomination, maybe the election, even without the backing of the major funders or any media support. There's good reason to suppose that Sanders would have won the nomination had it not been for shenanigans of the Obama-Clinton party managers. He is now the most popular political figure in the country by a large margin.
I believe, if Hillary Clinton is the nominee, Bernie Sanders will be her most powerful and strongest supporter. No question. And he is going to take credit for positions that she`s taken and she`ll have to live with that.
[People] are alike in a sense that the Bernie Sanders anger at Hillary Clinton was that she was a so-called progressive and yet had managed to make $125 million.
To Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders is bad because she and her buddies in Congress don't 'like' him.
If Hillary Clinton can enthuse her base and turnout enough, can she win? She still doesn't have the [Ben] Sanders voters, they're angry at her.
I don't know Hillary's Clinton stance on urban farming. I don't know Donald Trump's stance or Bernie Sanders's for that matter. But the Obamas have been amazing. You know, Michelle Obama, she planted that garden. She keeps bees there at the White House. Little known fact, though, is that Laura Bush also had an organic garden but she never told anyone about it.
In my political philosophy - which is definitely more socialist Democrat than centrist politician like Hillary Clinton - I think regulation for banks and those platforms that Bernie Sanders had are good for the whole of America.
With an abusive political relationship, with a political party that's throwing you under the bus, sister, I'm sorry to say but you don't have a future in this political party. You know, what they did to Bernie Sanders is what they have done to every progressive candidate and every real progressive movement within the party. They allow it to show its face and then they use the kill switch.
Hillary Clinton is the one you would think would have some kind of political conscience - the good Methodist, the feminist, the crusader against political corruption. But apparently, she doesn't. For her, it's all about entitlement and power.
Do you believe that Deborah Wasserman Schultz, she looks just as happy as Bernie [Sanders] did. She's now hired by [Hillary] Clinton.
I don't agree with Bernie Sanders that the banks should be broken up at this point. But Hillary Clinton's acceptance of huge contributions from Goldman Sachs and others... And we don't debate what Clinton has done. She has a public record. She's been Secretary of State. She's basically a candidate of Wall Street, for Wall Street.
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