A Quote by Jonathan Haidt

If I have a mission in life, it is to convince people that everyone is morally motivated - everyone except for psychopaths. — © Jonathan Haidt
If I have a mission in life, it is to convince people that everyone is morally motivated - everyone except for psychopaths.
Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone's task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it.
Victories and defeats form part of everyone's life - everyone, that is, except cowards, as you call them, because they never lose or win.
They've got something they do it with, I think it's called a mocracy, and it means everyone in the whole country can say who the new Tyrant is. One man ... one vet. ... Everyone has ... the vet. Except for women, of course. And children. And criminals. And slaves. And stupid people. And people of foreign extraction. And people disapproved of for, er, various reasons. And lots of other people. But everyone apart from them. It's a very enlightened civilization.
I connect deeply with SAVE's mission and I realize it doesn't matter which specific group you're fighting for, that everyone deserves equality, everyone deserves safety, and everyone deserves to be able to live their lives free of hate, fear and discrimination.
In the United States everyone is an illegal immigrant - everyone except the people in Indian Reservations. This is an immigrant society.
Everyone has their own mission in life and what they've got to do. You can't knock them for it. There's always a lot going in people's lives.
Everyone has their own mission in life and what they've got to do. You can't knock them for it. There's always a lot going on in people's lives.
I will not play tug o' war. I'd rather play hug o' war. Where everyone hugs instead of tugs, Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rug, Where everyone kisses, and everyone grins, and everyone cuddles, and everyone wins.
Here's my definition of a great beach read - a fabulous story that sucks me in like a black hole and when it's over, it jettisons my bones across the galaxy with a hair on fire mission to convince everyone I know that they must read that book or they will die.
Life is difficult for everyone; everyone has bad days. Everyone has trouble in their life, because it doesn't matter how rich you are: Sickness and trouble and worry and love, these things will mess with you at every level of life.
Life is difficult for everyone, everyone has bad days. Everyone has trouble in their life, because it doesn't matter how rich you are: Sickness and trouble and worry and love, these things will mess with you at every level of life.
Was everyone else really as alive as she was?...If the answer was yes, then the world, the social world, was unbearably complicated, with two billion voices, and everyone's thoughts striving in equal importance and everyone's claim on life as intense, and everyone thinking they were unique, when no one was.
I do not think everyone is created equal. In fact, I know they're not. [The Constitution] means that everyone should have the same laws as everyone else. It doesn't mean that everyone's as smart or as cute or as lucky as everyone else.
In short, ISIS is composed of religiously motivated psychopaths.
Everyone in my life thinks I'm competitive because I want to win, but it comes from me wanting everyone to have a good time. And when I see that people aren't enthused, I try to make it really uncomfortable for everyone so they get enthused and want to play hard.
People tend to think of psychopaths as criminals. In fact, the majority of psychopaths aren't criminal.
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