I circuit train three times a week and run 10 km once a week.
I skate six days a week, three sessions a day, and I go to the gym three times a week. I lift weights, do some ab work and whatever my trainer tells me to do. I take Saturdays off.
I lift weights in the offseason about four times a week; during the season, I'll lift three times a week. The weight training is key because most guys come in during the summertime as strong as they are going to get, and they fizzle down as the year starts.
I train five times a week, usually three-four times with my personal trainer.
I love to hit the gym when I can. I usually work out three times a week and do circuit training.
We live in the countryside, 15 minutes from the closest town, so I would never have time to drive and go somewhere. So I have a personal trainer come to my house, normally three times a week, and we do circuit training depending on what I need.
I try to work out with my personal trainer for an hour, four times a week - we mainly concentrate on weights and running. If I'm on the road I sometimes do DVD work-outs in my hotel room - P90X and Insanity are a couple of my favourites.
I aim for four workouts a week. I work out with a trainer once a week. Then, I take a circuit class twice a week. The fourth workout is random, depending on what I'm in the mood for - either a run, a spin class, or yoga.
I've got a personal trainer, and I train three times a week.
I work out with my trainer at 5 A. M. three times per week and I also skip dessert - most of the time.
I had a daily 30 minute pushup routine. Then I boxed 3 times a week for about an hour. And then, I had the trainer come to my house an average of 1 to 2 times a week.
I lift weights four times a week, usually run five days a week.
I train three, four, five times a week, protein six times a day, resistance training for at least 45 minutes... it's so very boring. It's really painful. It's laborious.
I maintain by going to spin four or five days a week. I love that I can get a solid butt-kicking in 40 minutes. I also strength train two or three times a week.
I have a personal trainer who comes home. I work out three times a week for an hour each and focus on concentrated body weight training and cardio. Honestly, I don't always work out if I am too busy with shoots.
I work out at Will Space four times a week. It's a private training gym. It's owned by my trainer, Will Torres. I just came from there, actually. I turned Mark Consuelos onto Will, so he goes there too. Today we boxed. It's every kind of cross-training you can do.