A Quote by Jonathan Swift

The want of belief is a defect that ought to be concealed when it cannot be overcome. — © Jonathan Swift
The want of belief is a defect that ought to be concealed when it cannot be overcome.
The lack of belief is a defect that ought to be concealed when it cannot be overcome.
There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome." "And your defect is a propensity to hate everybody." "And yours," he replied with a smile, "is wilfully to misunderstand them.
It is a fool only, and not the philosopher, nor even the prudent man, that will live as if there were no God... Were a man impressed as fully and strongly as he ought to be with the belief of a God, his moral life would be regulated by the force of belief; he would stand in awe of God and of himself, and would not do the thing that could not be concealed from either.
Rick Perry told reporters this week that he has a permit to carry a concealed handgun. He also has a concealed vocabulary, concealed knowledge of the issues, concealed tolerance.
Religion becomes a matter of belief, and belief acts as a limitation on the mind; and the mind then is never free. But it is only in freedom that you can find out what is true, what is God, not through any belief; because your belief projects what you think God ought to be, what you think ought to be true. If you believe God is love, God is good, God is this or that, your very belief prevents you from understanding what is God, what is true.
Real merit of any kind cannot long be concealed; it will be discovered, and nothing can depreciate it but a man exhibiting it himself. It may not always be rewarded as it ought; but it will always be known.
If you have a strong belief in yourself, in what you are doing and what you want to do, no adversity is too difficult to overcome.
You cannot defect form an insight. You cannot unsee what you have seen.
We overcome the accuser of our brothers and sisters, we overcome our consciences, we overcome our bad tempers, we overcome our defeats, we overcome our lusts, we overcome our fears, we overcome our pettiness on the basis of the blood of the Lamb.
What i’m saying is, my friends, one ought to be able to let go. If a path does not please us, instead of insisting on going that specific way, of making our selfishness the guide, we ought to forsake. The books we cannot write, the films we cannot shoot, the projects we cannot develop, the jobs we cannot pursue and the people who no longer love us. Being able to let go, at times, is the most beautiful of all!
Idiocy is the female defect ... It is no worse than the male defect, which is lunacy.
Defect in manners is usually the defect of fine perceptions. Elegance comes of no breeding, but of birth.
The government has a defect: it's potentially democratic. Corporations have no defect: they're pure tyrannies.
If a lack of empirical foundations is a defect of the theory of logical probability, it is also a defect of deductive logic.
It's something I want to overcome. And my kids are scared to death to fly. I want them to witness me overcome it.
I said to my children, 'I'm going to work and do everything that I can do to see that you get a good education. I don't ever want you to forget that there are millions of God's children who will not and cannot get a good education, and I don't want you feeling that you are better than they are. For you will never be what you ought to be until they are what they ought to be.
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