A Quote by Jordan Pickford

England fans are a different class. When the fans are like that, it makes us even better and so much more relaxed. — © Jordan Pickford
England fans are a different class. When the fans are like that, it makes us even better and so much more relaxed.
I think you gotta have balls to be an Avenged fan sometimes. A lot of our fans get hated on just as much as us. To me Avenged fans aren't just fans of a band, they are fans of everything that surrounds it, like a life style. We live it, you live it. You go to the shows and you can feel it. It's a great experience and people that aren't involved will never understand. So they can stand on the side lines and talk, but we will continue to do just what makes us happy.
I got a lot of fans, like core fans, that love me. I ain't one of the dudes that sell five or 10 million brackets, but my followers are stern. They're there. My fans - Jadakiss fans, LOX fans, D-Block fans - they loyal.
There’s rivalry between the Harry Potter fans and the Twilight fans. And Twilight fans think they’re much cooler than the Harry Potter fans. And I’m like, I dunno why, they’d all get their butts kicked by the Doctor Who fans.
I thought there was maybe going to be some booing. I didn't know how the fans would take to me. But the reception from the England fans has been top class. They have taken me in.
Hanson has rapid female fans, which I'm completely proud of, but a lot of fans are a contingent that have grown up with us really - our peers. There's younger fans. More and more guys are Hanson fans, musicians or kind of guys who were into a Beatles record.
Hanson has rapid female fans, which I’m completely proud of, but a lot of fans are a contingent that have grown up with us really - our peers. There’s younger fans. More and more guys are Hanson fans [but they’re] musicians or kind of guys who were into a Beatles record.
On the West Coast, things are more relaxed, maybe because people have more fun outdoors. In the East, where the weather is not so good, people have to stay indoors. They're very knowledgable fans. This makes you play even harder.
My family are England fans. I have lived in England all my life, my dad was born in England. My mum was born in Pakistan but they are England fans.
The best part about being a Blazer is the fans. The fans here are so loyal it feels like a college team with how close the fans and players are. They have such a great passion for the team that it makes it fun to be a part of and makes you want to work harder to make the team successful.
I have the greatest fans. I have fans that come from soap opera world. I have fans that come from superhero world, which are a whole different section of fans. They're so cool. When people are fanatical about something, it's contagious.
When you are getting warmed up and you hear the fans there, singing your name, when you feel that the fans support you like this, it gives you even more determination inside.
Science fiction fans are the smartest fans in television. They just are. They're just so smart, and they know so much detail and information. They're a part of the story and they inform your character, as well. We all listen to the fans, and we love their feedback and the attention they give us.
I have the greatest fans. I have fans that come from soap opera world, I have fans that come from superhero world, which are a whole different section of fans. They're so cool.
I don't rate Heat fans like I rate Knicks fans. We are true basketball fans. No matter what - rain, sleet or snow, or even if we don't make it to the playoffs for 10 years - the Garden stands are still full.
When the fans and players are united, the team is always much stronger so, when the fans really get behind us, it gives us a huge boost - and that's what we want.
There are no fans more rabid or devoted than KISS fans. KISS fans are what all other fans are measured against. That's how it came to be known as the KISS Army.
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