A Quote by Jose Andres

I love cooking for the sake of understanding how people before me used to feed themselves, used to feed their families. — © Jose Andres
I love cooking for the sake of understanding how people before me used to feed themselves, used to feed their families.
Grain that is used to feed animals that end up on our tables as turkeys and hams could have gone to feed starving people.
If you feed them, if you feed the children, three square meals a day during the school year, how can you expect them to feed themselves in the summer? ... Wanton little waifs and serfs dependent on the State. Pure and simple.
We are fat and sick and dying because we have handed a basic, fundamental and intimate function of life over to corporations. We choose to value our nourishment so little that we entrust it to strangers. This is insanity. Feed yourselves. Feed your loved ones. And for God's sake feed your children.
In England, the population explosion can be linked very clearly with the enclosure of the commons that uprooted the peasants from their land. In India, it was the same thing: the population increased at the end of the 18th century when the British took over and Indian lands were colonized. Instead of the land feeding Indian people it started to feed the British empire. So we had destitution. Destitute people who don't have their own land to feed themselves can only feed themselves by having larger numbers, therefore they multiply. It's the rational response of a dispossessed people.
Love is an energy. You can feed it to people, and they in turn feed it to others, and eventually it comes back.
Wealth is not to feed our egos but to feed the hungry and to help people help themselves.
People need to feed themselves, next they need to feed their own communities.
I think, coming from an improv/sketch background, I'm just used to having people around me to feed off of and support.
I used to help my grandfather on the farm, driving tractors, raising crops and animals. I used to feed some of the baby cows and pigs, and I had to be no older than 7 or 8. Then at about 9 or 10 I started driving tractors. It showed me at an early age what hard work was all about and how dedicated you have to be, no matter what you do.
The issue here really is not whether international trade shall be free but whether or not it makes any sense for a country - or, for that matter, a region - to destroy its own capacity to produce its own food. How can a government, entrusted with the safety and health of its people, conscientiously barter away in the name of an economic idea that people's ability to feed itself? And if people lose their ability to feed themselves, how can they be said to be free?
I was so ugly my mother used to feed me with a sling shot.
For me, cooking is a way to try and please people and tell them I love them. When I fall in love with someone, I want to feed them as well.
You used to feed a piece of celluloid into an editor. [Digital] is not expensive and that is an advantage, but I must say that I don't love it.
I hate to see the way journalism is devalued: We have to feed the machine; we have to feed the Trump outrage machine, to feed the anger against Trump, to feed the New York liberal anger.
Let me pose you a question. Can farm-raised salmon be organic when its feed has nothing to do with its natural diet, even if the feed itself is supposedly organic, and the fish themselves are packed tightly in pens, swimming in their own filth?
Advice is like cooking-you should try it before you feed it to others.
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