A Quote by Jose Jose

Under my real name, Pepe Sosa, I recorded 'El Mundo' by Jimmy Fontana and 'Ma Vie' by Alain Barrier. — © Jose Jose
Under my real name, Pepe Sosa, I recorded 'El Mundo' by Jimmy Fontana and 'Ma Vie' by Alain Barrier.
El mundo habrá acabado de joderse -dijo entonces- el día en que los hombres viajen en primera clase y la literatura en el vagón de carga.
Ma vie est une énigme dont ton nom est le mot. (My life is an enigma, of which your name is the word.)
Superman's original name was Kal-El, or Swift God. His father's name was Jor-El. Superman was clearly drawn as a modern-day god.
I always try to associate Johnny Mundo, John Morrison, or whatever my name is with high quality.
The most important man in my life is and always will be Alain Delon. He is always there when I need a shoulder to cry on… even today Alain is the only man I can count on. He would always help me. Only Alain shaped me as a woman. Even though he hurt me a lot when he left me I also matured because of it.
Creemos enla valentía. Creemos en tomar acciones. Creemos en la liberarnos del miedo y en la adquisición de habilidades necesarias para obligar a que lo malos salga de nuestro mundo para que el bien pueda prosperar y florecer
Marilyn Monroe wasn't even her real name, Charles Manson isn't his real name, and now, I'm taking that to be my real name. But what's real? You can't find the truth, you just pick the lie you like the best.
Yes, I'm the real Sammy Sosa, and this is my Pinterest.
Sammy Sosa grew up without a father in the back of a converted public hospital in San Pedro de Macoris, a dusty seaside town in the Dominican Republic. His father, Juan Montero, died when Sosa was 5.
Do not vie with others in the accumulation of wealth. Vie with them in Ibadaah.
With Caavo, you don't have to know the device name, the network name, the service name. Just which show you want to watch, regardless of whether it's live, recorded, downloaded or streaming.
The first thing Fontana did was get me to change my hair colour from light brown to red, and the songwriter Mitch Murray suggested I change my name from Pauline Matthews to Kiki Dee.
I am playing with my Self, I am playing with the world's soul, I am the dialogue between my Self and el espiritu del mundo. I change myself, I change the world.
'El Gordo' is the name given to the oldest lottery jackpot in the world - and the richest. Held every year in Madrid on December 22, the Christmas Lottery culminates with the picking of the El Gordo number, the Fat One, which, for many, has become the true Christmas miracle in Spain.
"eL Seed" was inspired by the French play Le Cid by Pierre Corneille. It was seeing "Le Cid" coming from the Arabic name "el sayed," which means "the master, the man." So I called myself like that because I was 16; I said, "Yes, I'm the man." That's how it started.
Premie' re approximation: j'e cris pour de truire, en les de crivant avec pre cision, des monstres nocturnes qui menacent d'envahir ma vie e veille e. First general point: I write to destroy, by describing exactly the nocturnal monsters that threaten to invade my waking life.
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