A Quote by Joseph Abboud

The biggest fashion mistake people make is they try to hang on to their youth. Embrace who you are now-your body, your lifestyle, your coloring. — © Joseph Abboud
The biggest fashion mistake people make is they try to hang on to their youth. Embrace who you are now-your body, your lifestyle, your coloring.
I think that we have two things going on in the world right now. We have one sort of vibe that's love who you are, be yourself, love your flaws, embrace your body, embrace your inner beauty, all of that. And then we have another very looks-based thing happening at the same time, you know?
A piece of advice I would give to young actors - hang on to your family, and hang on to your reality - and hang on to your "real". Because you're going into the land of make believe.
If your body wants comfort, you try to make it learn to give up that. Try to make your body your slave and not you the slave of the body.
Fashion is one thing, you kind of can change your silhouette and try this and try that. But I think that with skin care, you know anything that you put into your skin goes into your body, so you want to know it's actually good for you. So I think I don't believe in fashion when it comes to skin care if that makes sense.
The biggest mistake you can make in trying to talk convincingly is to put your highest priority on expressing your ideas and feelings. What most people really want is to be listened to, respected, and understood. The moment people see that they are being understood, they become more motivated to understand your point of view.
You have to stand up and be a human. You have to honor the man or woman that you are. Respect your body, enjoy your body, love your body, feed, clean, and heal your body. Exercise and do what makes your body feel good. This is a puja to your body, and that is a communion between you and God. . . . When you practice giving love to every part of your body, you plant seeds of love in your mind, and when they grow, you will love, honor, and respect your body immensely.
Embrace yourself and do what you can to look and feel your best. Don't put on so many fashion trends that create a ridiculous style statement. Pick and choose what feels good, and flatters your own body.
Talk with your doctor, make healthy lifestyle choices and most importantly, know your body - as that can make all the difference in the world.
Embrace yourself and do what you can to look and feel your best. Dont put on so many fashion trends that create a ridiculous style statement. Pick and choose what feels good, and flatters your own body.
Being responsible and taking care of your body is truly how you make your pay cheque, how you excel and succeed in your lifelong goals, so for me it's just an everyday lifestyle.
I think the biggest mistake anyone can make is trying to be the next someone, and try to mimic or copy someone who is already out there because you have to produce your own personality and your own sound, and go from there. That is something all great broadcasters have been able to do.
If at large gatherings or parties, or around people with whom you feel distant, your hands sometimes hang awkwardly at the ends of your arms - i you find yourself at a loss for what do with them, overcome with sadness that comes when you recognize the foreignnes of your own body - it's because your hands remember a time when the division between mind and body, brain and heart, what's inside and what's outside, was so much less.
First, educate yourself about what a vegan diet entails and why it is beneficial to your health. You need to understand and embrace the philosophy or you will not be able to make such a drastic dietary change. Secondly, make the change over time. Don't try and "go cold turkey"; you will shock your system and you will develop cravings that you may not be able to fight off. If you take your time and let your body adjust you will be eating a completely different diet before you realize it.
You always have to keep up with the trends. The biggest thing is making your own trend and making your own stamp in the fashion industry. Whatever is going to be your style, make that your style and go from there.
I'm revealing information to people. I'm not creating it. And to the extent that people embrace it, I think they're empowered by it, because any time you have a bigger perspective today than you did yesterday, it's got to be only for the good of your mind, your body, your soul.
The biggest mistake you can make in your life is to be always afraid of making a mistake.
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