A Quote by Joseph Hertz

Not indolence but congenial work is man's Divinely allotted portion. — © Joseph Hertz
Not indolence but congenial work is man's Divinely allotted portion.
A man is happy who is happy with his Naseeb(allotted portion).
Whatever advantage we snatch beyond a certain portion allotted us by at nature, is like money spent before it is due, which, at the time of regular payment, will be missed and regretted.
It is as disastrous to true government in the state, and home, to teach all womankind to submit to the authority of man, as divinely ordained, as it is to teach all mankind to bow down to the authority of kings and Popes, as divinely ordained.
That which is not allotted the hand cannot reach; what is allotted you will find wherever you may be.
A daughter of the gods, divinely tall, And most divinely fair.
It is indolence... Indolence and love of ease; a want of all laudable ambition, of taste for good company, or of inclination to take the trouble of being agreeable, which make men clergymen. A clergyman has nothing to do but be slovenly and selfish; read the newspaper, watch the weather, and quarrel with his wife. His curate does all the work and the business of his own life is to dine.
If anyone does not believe that Holy Mary is the Mother of God, he is severed from the Godhead. If anyone should assert that He passed through the Virgin as through a channel, and was not at once divinely and humanly formed in her (divinely, because without the intervention of a man; humanly, because in accordance with the laws of gestation), he is in like manner godless.
Blessed is the man who has some congenial work, some occupation in which he can put his heart, and which affords a complete outlet to all the forces there are in him.
The reality is we all have to work together to make it work. We're going to be congenial with everyone. We're not telling people to park on the street.
I mean, there was a portion, of course, that I think, when I look back now, that there was a portion of what attracted me must have been the awe of him being a powerful man in this environment, not to take away from who he is as a real person.
Indulged habits of dependence create habits of indolence, and indolence opens the portal to petty errors, to many degrading habits, and to vice and crime with their attendant train of miseries.
Other men have acquired fame by industry, but this man by indolence.
The critic is a man who prefers the indolence of opinion to the trials of action.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.
Thus does the Muse herself move men divinely inspired, and through them thus inspired a Chain hangs together of others inspired divinely likewise.
Serious work gets done ... in congenial surroundings, which tend to make you laugh.
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