A Quote by Joseph O. Shelby

Regaining favor with your worst enemy is a satisfactory but short lived relief. — © Joseph O. Shelby
Regaining favor with your worst enemy is a satisfactory but short lived relief.
There is no safety in regaining the favor of an enemy.
Be indifferent if you lose your short term clients, remember they are your own worst enemy
Always we argue that unity is necessity because disunity goes in favor of the U.S. , which are our enemy, and everything that goes in favor of the enemy must be eliminated. That is why we are in favor of unity.
To be quite honest, the joyful relief of the publication of my book was short-lived.
Your worst enemy is hiding within yourself, and that enemy is your nafs or false ego.
The biggest obstacle I've had to overcome is loving myself 100%. And that's still a battle. I love myself, but sometimes you can be your own worst enemy. And I think I've been my worst enemy in life, because others haven't been able to do anything to me unless I allowed them to do it.
Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.
I would not give my first 15 years to my worst enemy, and I don't even have a worst enemy.
Short fiction is like low relief. And if your story has no humor in it, then you're trying to look at something in the pitch dark. With the light of humor, it throws what you're writing into relief so that you can actually see it.
If you refrain from judging your worst enemy, his children will come to your side. What more severe judgment could come upon an enemy than this?
Judge your enemy based upon capabilities, not intent, you have to look at the enemy and really almost make a worst case call every time.
The worst enemy of life, freedom and the common decencies is total anarchy; their second worst enemy is total efficiency.
Relief is a short-lived emotion, passive and thin. The agony of doubt disappears, leaving little memory of how it really felt. Life aligns behind the new truth.
I think sometimes your worst enemy is inside your head. All your insecurities, your ego, your fears, your expectations.
Your Worst Enemy Could Be Your Best Friend && Your Best Friend Your Worst Enemy
My real problem was certainly decisions I made, and the optimism that I had in making them. Y'know, I mean, I lived within this kind of nimbus of optimism, that, no matter what I encountered, I would always overcome it. Well, optimism can be your worst enemy as well as your best friend, but the other side of this is, that, y'know, expenses grow. But our incomes have not.
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