A Quote by Joseph Roth

Anyway, I am unfitted to hold down a job anywhere unless they were to pay me for getting angry at the world." 96 — © Joseph Roth
Anyway, I am unfitted to hold down a job anywhere unless they were to pay me for getting angry at the world." 96
To me, failure is not fatal unless you quit; getting knocked down is not embarrassing unless you allow it to keep you down.
The notion people have about me is that I am always angry and irritated. Also, I report late to work and I am not serious about my job. But if all these things were true about me, people wouldn't be working with me.
When I started criticizing Donald Trump when he got more popular on the right, one of the most things that I discovered was how many people were mad at me for not living down to their expectations. There are a lot of pundits on the right who think their job is to be a cheerleader for their team. That is not my job. My job is to tell the truth as I see it, and that is gotten a lot of people angry.
I am a psychologically disabled person and it's difficult for me to get and hold down a job. When I don't work people accuse me of being lazy, taking advantage of government money
We're in this together usually means I'm here for you, unless it requires me getting into my car anywhere near rush hour.
When you look at me in the beginning of '96 and at the end of '96, I'm two different people.
At any Trump rally, the Trump supporters were peaceful. They were enthusiastic. They loved America. They were excited. They were pro Trump. They were not bullies. They were not angry. They were not doing anything unless they were provoked.
Let me first tell you one thing: It doesn't matter what the world says about Israel; it doesn't matter what they say about us anywhere else. The only thing that matters is that we can exist here on the land of our forefathers. And unless we show the Arabs that there is a high price to pay for murdering Jews, we won't survive.
Sometimes, I want to talk on a song and be angry, because I am angry. Then there's always a part of me that remembers that this record lives past my being angry, and so do I really want to be angry about that? Is that feeling going to have longevity?
All over the world kids and women [are] getting killed right now over beliefs, this is silly to get angry over. If it bothers you just don’t attend I’m down for anything positive but this doesn’t affect our parties too much. I’m not the promoter, I actually had nothing to do with the rules being implemented, but I do agree with my team. And cause of who I am, I’m the de facto speaker. I have thick skin so u guys that consider yourself PLUR can attack me all you want it doesn’t bother me. I’m just here for the music.
I was a 36C or D, and at 5' 1'', I knew that being a small person with big boobs standing in front of an audience was not going to be easy. It would be really hard to get people to pay attention to me without mocking me. Getting a breast reduction to prepare for my career was no different from people who work to get good grades to get into a good college to get into a good graduate school to get a good job. I went down to a B cup, and it was the best thing in the whole world.
How can anyone expect to be understood unless he presents his thoughts with complete honesty? This situation is unfair because it asks too much of the world. In effect, we say, ' I don't dare show you what I am because I don't trust you for a minute but please love me anyway because I so need you to. And, of course, if you don't love me anyway, you're a dirty dog, just as I suspected, so I was right in the first place.' Yet, every time God's children have thrown away fear in pursuit of honesty-trying to communicate themselves, understood or not, miracles have happened.
Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it. If we were born to paint, it’s our job to become a painter. If we were born to raise and nurture children, it’s our job to become a mother. If we were born to overthrow the order of ignorance and injustice of the world, it’s our job to realize it and get down to business.
Some days,' I say, 'I feel like I don't belong anywhere in that world. That world out there. 'I point to Grant. 'People walk down our street and people drive down it and people ride their bicycles down it and all of them, even the ones I know, could be from another planet. And I'm a visiting alien.' And aliens don't belong anywhere,' Adam finishes for me, 'except in their own little corners of the universe.' Right,' I say. ~pgs 57-58 Hattie and Adam on alienation
Relative to most people I know, I am comfortable just about anywhere. I went to 20 schools before the 8th grade because my father couldn't hold a job. We moved every six months. I had to adjust.
Anyway, these books I love, they’re all books by men—every last one of them. Because if it’s unseemly and possibly dangerous for a man to be angry, it’s totally unacceptable for a woman to be angry. I wanted to write a voice that for me, as a reader, had been missing from the chorus: the voice of an angry woman.
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