A Quote by Josh Barnett

Big Nog and me are two different types of fighters. Nogeuira lived by his chin, he wasn't afraid to take a lot of punishment in order to dish out a whole lot of punishment. Personally, I know I can take a really big shot. I'd rather not.
I've always been tough my whole life. I'm able to take a lot of punishment, and that might be an even greater asset than my offense. I'm the guy that can take your best shot, and I'm not going to go down.
I’m not in this sport to see how hard I can get hit or to see how many big punches I can take. I am in this game to fight as long as I can. I am trying to dish a lot of punishment.
The only way I was able to defend myself was to be able to take punishment. Then I got a lot of respect. They said, "Oh, he's okay, he can take it. Don't hit him." The guys were pretty big, and I had asthma.
Not missing games, miss one game due to injury in my career, and that even hurt me to miss that game, but I just love to get out there and compete, both ends of the ball, and I don't think I'm afraid to take the big shot. If I'm 2-for-15, I'm not afraid to take that shot, make it 3-for-16.
I don't really take punishment from fights; the punishment is from the training, from my teammates.
A man's got to take a lot of punishment to write a really funny book.
Lot of guys can take punches. The idea is not to take unnecessary punishment.
Every action project you take, whether it be a movie or TV series, is always different and a lot of people don't really know how big a difference it is. It's a different style of fighting, a different tempo and all of that.
I stretch for a full hour before a fight because I know I'm going to take a lot of punishment in the ring. That's my secret.
I'm not the guy who's afraid of failure. I like to take risks, take the big shot and all that.
There's not a lot of people that can sit there and take the punishment that I can deliver.
No matter what his crimes were, Alton Sterling did not deserve to be executed for them. Look, guys, the punishment for resisting arrest shouldn't be death. The punishment for selling bootleg CDs shouldn't be death. The punishment for having a gun in an open-carry state shouldn't be death. The punishment for being a black man shouldn't be death.
Boxing has always been work to me, a job. If I could say anything to a youngster taking up boxing it would be to "be smart and not take a lot of punches". It's called the sweet science for a reason. Hit and not be hit, make a lot of money without taking a lot of punishment. That's what it's about.
Fines are preferable to imprisonment and other types of punishment because they are more efficient. With a fine, the punishment to offenders is also revenue to the State.
Fines are preferable to imprisonment and other types of punishment because they are more efficient. With a fine, the punishment to offenders is also revenue to the State.
All the punishment in the world will not reform a man, unless he knows that he who inflicts it upon him does it for the sake of reformation, and really and truly loves him, and has his good at heart. Punishment inflicted for gratifying the appetite makes man afraid but debases him.
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