A Quote by Joyce Meyer

All complaining comes from pride. — © Joyce Meyer
All complaining comes from pride.

Quote Topics

Complaining is good for you as long as you're not complaining to the person you're complaining about.
When you’re not patient, you start complaining. And the fact that you’re complaining is a sign that you’re not grateful.
Complaining that a comic is drunk is like going to a titty bar and complaining because your lapdancer is a communist.
When we shift from negatively complaining to positively affirming, conditions change. Then complaining is no longer the operative law in our life-freedom is.
Pride that you express to other people is probably ego. Pride that you express silently to yourself is real pride. Pride of self is understanding that life is glorious, and that it 's an honor to be here.
Pride is the great stumbling block of Zion...Pride is ugly; it says if you succeed I am a failure...Pride is basically competitive in nature. When competition ends, pride ends.
The tabloids are like animals, with their own behavioural patterns. There's no point in complaining about them, any more than complaining that lions might eat you.
Most people do not realize that as they continue to find things to complain about, they disallow their own physical well-being. Many do not realize that before they were complaining about an aching body or a chronic disease, they were complaining about many other things first. It does not matter if the object of your complaint is about someone you are angry with, behavior in others that you believe is wrong, or something wrong with your own physical body. Complaining is complaining, and it disallows improvement.
It is difficult for a proud man ever to forgive a person who has found him at fault, and who has good grounds for complaining of him; his pride is not assuaged till he has regained the advantages he lost and put the other person in the wrong.
Complaining about boring football is a little like complaining about the sad ending of King Lear: it misses the point somehow.
Acceptance means no complaining, and happiness means no complaining about the things over which you can do nothing.
I get a headache when I hear supporters of this endless warfare complaining about the federal budget deficits. They're like arsonists complaining about the smell of smoke in the neighborhood.
Let us watch against PRIDE in every shapepride of intellect, pride of wealth, pride in our own goodness.
A politician complaining about the media is like a sailor complaining about the sea.
When you are in the grips of low self-esteem, it’s painful, and it certainly doesn’t feel like pride. But I believe that this is the dark, quieter side of pride — thwarted pride.
Too many people go through life complaining about their problems. I've always believed that if you took one tenth the enrgy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you'd be surprised by how well things can work out.
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