A Quote by Joyce Meyer

1 Peter 5 - Be well balanced because Satan 'roams about like a hungry lion seeking who he can devour. — © Joyce Meyer
1 Peter 5 - Be well balanced because Satan 'roams about like a hungry lion seeking who he can devour.
Satan is a "roaring lion, [who] walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." And he will devour us unless we "put on the whole armour [or power] of God, that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (See 1 Peter 5 and Ephesians 6)
Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the Devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
There is a photographer in every bush, going about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
Those who are preparing for the coming of Christ should be sober, and watch unto prayer, for our adversary, the Devil, goeth about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour; whom we are to resist steadfast in the faith.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
...if you fall into a lion's pit, the reason the lion will tear you to pieces is not because it's hungry-be assured, zoo animals are amply fed-or because it's bloodthirsty, but because you've invaded it's territory.
To eat and drink without a friend is to devour like the lion and the wolf.
In boxing, it is about the obsession of getting the most from yourself: wanting to dominate the world like a hungry young lion.
I think that's what Peter Morgan does so well, is to show very balanced sides of everyone.
I've got my own mind, and I'll talk about it, but I'm willing to listen. I'm very balanced like that. If you don't want a guy who's balanced, who wants to win, and can bring people together well... I don't know.
The Bible says that the devil is like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8). He comes in the darkness, and tries to frighten the children of God with his mighty roar. But when you switch on the light of the Word of God, you discover that there is no lion. There is only a mouse with a microphone! The devil is an imposter. Got it?
But fear - panic - knows no reason. It brings into being overnight the things that it fears. It is the greatest torment of humanity. Fear is, in short, the devil. It causes most of the sin, disaster, disease and misery of the world. It is the ravening lion roaming the earth seeking whom it may...devour. The only refuge is in the knowledge that it has no power other than the power you give it.
Peter: Where are you two going? Tris: Why aren't you with your attack group eating dinner? Peter: I don't have one. I'm injured. Christina: Yeah right, you are! Peter: Well, I don't want to go to battle with a bunch of factionless. So I'm going to stay here. Christina: Like a coward. Let everyone else clean up the mess for you. Peter: Yep! Have fun dying.
Some people never seem to learn from experience. No matter how often they had seen the lion devour the lamb, they continued to cling to the hope that the nature of the beast might change. If only the lion could get to know the lamb better, they argued, or talk matters over.
The lion has to stay outside" "He won't like it" The lion shook his mane. I looked at Curran. The lion melted. Skin stretched, bones twisted, and human Curran straightened. He was completely nude. Gloriously nude. "Well," Hrefna said. "I always wondered why you went all shapeshifter. Explain things.
To be honest, I would like to have worked with Peter Sellers, because when people talk about classic British actors, you talk about Lawrence Olivier, and Peter Sellers was just in the most amazing films.
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