A Quote by Joyce Meyer

There's no happier person than a truly thankful, content person. — © Joyce Meyer
There's no happier person than a truly thankful, content person.
The truly thankful person is a truly peaceful person.
For a person to be truly discipled and growing in their faith, they need more than one person discipling them.
Love doesn't have any color. Other people may discriminate against us, but what is more important is whether we discriminate against them. If we don't do that, we are a happier person, and as a happier person, we are in a position to help. And anger, this is not a help.
I would have to say that my divorce was an incredibly difficult experience in my life, but I am truly thankful for it. It made me a stronger and better person.
The person who is truly best suited to us is not the person who shares our tastes, but the person who can negotiate differences in taste intelligently and wisely.
Be thankful for all your blessings. An appreciative person makes a pleasant and optimistic person.
It is the ignorant person who seeks his or her own ends at the expense of the greater whole. It is the ignorant person, therefore, who is the selfish person. The truly wise person is never selfish.
I never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter.
I have become a different person. I don't know whether this person is better, he certainly is not happier.
If one person is happier because you have lived, it is all worth it. And if you are that person, God is well pleased.
A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances. A complaining soul complains even in paradise.
Motherhood has changed me as a person. I'm much happier and very content with life. That can only transfer positively to the track. It will make me a better athlete.
I wrote 'My Name is Red' just to remember painting, where the hand does it before the intellect. When I'm captive to it, I'm a happier person. Kierkegaard tells us that a happy person is someone who lives in the present; the unhappy person, someone who lives either in the past or the future.
Being thankful helps you to be present.People commit errors because they are not present.I would encourage women and men to be present - you'll avoid falling into certain pits.For instance, if you know that a person has just lost his wife or her husband or lover, it's unlikely that you will say something that will hurt that person's feelings if you're truly paying attention. You'll make a sweeter life for yourself and for those around you if you are present.
We owe Christ to the world--to the least person and to the greatest person, to the richest person and to the poorest person, to the best person and to the worst person. We are in debt to the nations.
My parents were not musical, but my mom just really wanted my brother and I to learn music as well as practice sports. It's a balance for which I'm thankful. I'm not sure I'm more balanced than anyone, but I'm happier because I can make music and I'm really thankful for that.
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