A Quote by Joyce Tenneson

I would never censor something to please someone. I don't play games. — © Joyce Tenneson
I would never censor something to please someone. I don't play games.
I will never censor myself to please anyone.
Creating video games is an especially important act. To me, video games are something I both play and create, so they're "special." If I lost one half, the balance would crumble. I need to be able to both play and create games.
Yes, I play computer games. I think you've got to embrace the latest technology. For someone to dismiss games as not important would be the same as saying the Internet is not important.
I have done a lot of NFL games, a season-opening home games, playoff games, championship games, and of course Stanley Cup games, World Series, NBA championship games. But I have never done a Superbowl. It's probably the only major sporting event I've never done and I would like to.
When I was first writing, my little prayers were, 'Please, please, please. Let something be published someday.' Then it went to, 'Please, please, please. Let somebody read this.'
Since when do we even play games?” “Since when don’t we play games? Games of life, games of death. Games of love, of hope, of chance, of despair, and of all the myriad wonders in between.” I rolled my eyes at the newcomer. “Hello, Carter.
I mostly play my dynasty or against someone in the hotel. I don't really like online games. I can't stand people yelling in my ear over a headset. I'd rather just play someone like Dwight Howard out in Orlando or people back home. For games like that, it's cool, but just signing on and playing random people, I hate it.
My durability is just something I took a lot of pride in, that I was able to play 70 games over and over and over and they add up to 1,200-and-something games, plus the playoff games, plus whatever.
I always figure I'm not unique, and something that would please me hopefully would please a lot of other people that have the same tastes that I do.
We [americans] self-regulate ourselves, we self-censor ourselves a lot in this country instead of having someone else censor us so we can blame them. That's not good, either.
I was texting with someone the other day and they asked me a question, 'What would do you if you didn't play basketball, or if you didn't play baseball? What would you want to do as a job?' My answer was, 'I've never even thought about it.'
I would never be one to critique the announcers when I watched games. I try to watch the play and listen to the broadcasters and what they are pointing out. I was never one to say this one was good or bad.
These are tough games to play. We shared the puck and we wanted everyone to get a chance to score. Tough games to play in. We want close games. That is why we train so hard. We want to show our fans some even games.
I always ask myself, would I want someone to do something that wasn't comfortable for them just to please me? And the answer is no.
I would never have wanted to play with Magic Johnson, I would never have wanted to play with Michael Jordan, I would never have wanted to play with Karl Malone or John Stockton in my prime. We wanted to play against the Shaqs, the Kobes.
I believe that if we don't make moves to get people who don't play games to understand them, then the position of video games in society will never improve. Society's image of games will remain largely negative, including that stuff about playing games all the time badly damaging you or rotting your brain or whatever.
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