A Quote by Juan Guaido

Maduro distanced himself from democracy. He deconstructed the entire judiciary and blocked parliamentary processes. — © Juan Guaido
Maduro distanced himself from democracy. He deconstructed the entire judiciary and blocked parliamentary processes.
Look, there is parliamentary democracy in most European countries, there is parliamentary democracy in Japan, there is parliamentary democracy in many countries, but in the United States, for some reason, the State is organized differently, there is quite a stringent presidential republic.
The FBI with their heavy influence on the judiciary system has successfully blocked me on every turn.
Parliamentary obstructionism should be avoided. It is a weapon to be used in the rarest of the rare cases. Parliamentary accountability is as important as parliamentary debate. Both must coexist.
In Venezuela, we either accept domination, total oppression and torture... from Maduro's regime, or we choose freedom, democracy, and prosperity for our people.
I am no historian, but Hungary is a country which has never known democracy - and by that, I mean not a democratic political system, but an organic process which has mobilised the entire country's society. In the case of Hungary, this development was blocked by the growth of the Ottoman empire in the 16th century.
Venezuelans need free and fair presidential elections leading to democracy and economic recovery, not Maduro's expensive deals with another pariah state.
To achieve a successful transition, we don't just have to remove Maduro. We also have to rescue our institutions themselves. That's why we have set out three phases: ending Maduro's usurpation of power, implementing a transition government, and holding free elections.
In a parliamentary democracy, it is the job of parliament to decide the law, not the government.
In a democracy, it is the people who are sovereign. Therefore, with regard to the promotion of democracy at the local, country and regional levels, civil society must have a stronger voice in all political processes.
Appointments to the higher judiciary must be through transparent processes, which ensure that persons of impeccable integrity and high competence are appointed to these positions.
Maduro has placed himself above the Constitution, but only the Venezuelan people can be above it.
You must remember that democracy is made up not only of the executive, but the legislature and the judiciary.
What we are lacking in Burma is an independence effective judiciary, and unless we have all three of the democratic institutions - strong and healthy, we cannot say that our democratic processes (is complete).
That is, I think that what I do, that democracy in Venezuela hasn't really worked well since the [Ugo] Chávez era and that it has gotten even worse since the last elections, in which the Maduro government lost control of the House, of the country's legislature.
A parliamentary democracy that has developed its delicate balances over hundreds of years will not give up its sovereign rights.
The much-lauded parliamentary democracy in India has been unable to protect a genuine democratic set-up in Kashmir.
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