A Quote by Judd Nelson

Heroes always make the right decision; I find that seldom happens in my life. — © Judd Nelson
Heroes always make the right decision; I find that seldom happens in my life.
Sometimes we make decisions about our life and they feel like the right decision at the time. No, they are the right decision at the time. But that doesn't mean they'll be the right decision forever.
Life creates new heroes, and new heroes always find it easiest to beat up on the previous heroes.
Every decision you make in life, not just on the sporting field - a lot of time and energy goes into it. You think things through before you make decisions and you always think the decision you make at the time is going to be the right one.
The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge right or make good decision.
I always roll with the way things are, so as soon as one decision happens, you just realign and move on and make another decision.
This happens in politics. Any sort of leadership role, this happens. There's certain moments that come across when you have to make a decision. Do I do A or do I do B? The decision drastically changes the future.
Make your own decision, based on your deepest intuitive wisdom and knowledge. You may make the right decision or the wrong one, but whatever happens, it is your best shot, and you will strengthen your capacity for future action.
If you always make the right decision, the safe decision, the one most people make, you will be the same as everyone else.
I'm saying to be a hero it means you step accross the line and are willing to make a sacrifice, so heroes always are making a sacrifice. Heroes always take a risk. Heroes always deviant. Heroes always doing something that most people don't and we want to change - I want to democratise heroism to say any of us can be a hero.
I'm saying to be a hero is means you step across the line and are willing to make a sacrifice, so heroes always are making a sacrifice. Heroes always take a risk. Heroes always deviant. Heroes always doing something that most people don't and we want to change - I want to democratise heroism to say any of us can be a hero.
We all are just people, and something happens, and we make a decision as a result when something happens, and it could be a poor choice or a good choice or anywhere in between. But we make that decision in the moment, and we live with the consequences.
I was never afraid to step out and make a decision. It might have been the wrong decision. I'm not afraid to tell somebody if I think they're wrong, as long as I know that I'm right. I would always try to make sure that I was right and then I'd voice my opinion.
Usually, when you make a decision in life, unless you have access to parallel universes, you can't truly judge how right that decision was.
I've worked with collage a lot. And there's this chance thing that happens - you don't always control things. Why did you find this today and not this? But you've got this thing, and you make it work. It's the way life is, I suppose. Whatever happens, you deal with it.
The only way to make the right decision is to find out which is the wrong decision, to examine that other path without fear, and only then decide.
Suze, your whole life," my dad went on, not without sympathy, "you've always made the right decisions. Not necessarily the easiest ones. The right ones. Don't mess that up now, when you're facing what's probably the most important decision you'll ever have to make.
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