A Quote by Judith Martin

People read informality as, 'Do whatever you feel like,' and whatever you feel like might be disastrous. — © Judith Martin
People read informality as, 'Do whatever you feel like,' and whatever you feel like might be disastrous.
What I like about their films is that you actually feel the momentum of whatever they're shooting. So, if someone's falling out a window, it gives the opportunity to show what that might feel like.
Some writing is a really nice solitary process, in a way, because you can be a little self-conscious around other people. If it's just you, and you're at your favorite piano, or whatever instrument, and you feel comfortable, then somehow, I always feel like it's opening a door and letting whatever is to pass through pass.
When we have that scene where I shoot that huge machine gun, my first thought was "Why does anybody want this? What is the point of something like this?" I know some people feel powerful or whatever and I'm just like, " I feel like I want nothing to do with this."
Because I feel like I can do so many different things, and people like my music for different reasons, I don't feel pigeonholed. I think people are always going to appreciate whatever direction I take.
The adrenaline is like nothing else. You might be tired or whatever else, but when you get on that stage and see people reacting there's nothing like it. It's a bit god-like - that feeling that nothing can feel better.
I don't ever necessarily feel masculine or feminine. I just feel... I don't know. Like, when I'm wearing women's clothes, it's not like I'm dressing like a lady, a woman; it's just like I'm doing whatever I want.
I'd like to feel that whatever I play is a result of whatever I've heard.
A lot of times I feel like people stick around in a relationship because they feel a primal need to be with that person for whatever reason.
I feel like 'SNL' is this kind of fixed, refractive prism. And whatever comes through it is just whatever - is just the absurdity of what's going on in the world or what people are saying or what's not being said.
Personally, the message that I would like to convey to everyone is just that life is really great and you can do whatever you want with it. That's what I feel like I've gotten out of my experience with the band, because I have done so many amazing things that I never thought I would get to do-and I don't really feel like I'm any more qualified than the next person. I feel like people should take their goals seriously and do exactly what they want, because they can.
If you’re a serious minded leader, you will read. You will read all you can. You will read when you feel like it, and you will read when you don’t. You will do whatever you have to do to increase your leadership input, because you know as well as I do that it will make you better.
I don't see any harm in letting whatever comes out come out of you, even if it's sort of weird, or dark, or painful, or too embarrassing, or whatever. I feel like you might as well get it down for yourself. It can't do anything but help you get to where you want to be by recognizing the thoughts that you're having.
I feel like fame can get into people's head, and you always hear that child actors are doing this, or parents are making their kids do that. I feel like, since we're kids, we have an imagination where we can do whatever we want at any time and if that it is their passion, they will tell you.
To me, I feel that my game is strong. I feel as thought I'm a shining prince, just like Malcolm, and I feel that all of us are shining princes, and if we live like princes, then whatever we want can be ours. Anything.
Normally you read a screenplay - and I read a lot of them - and the characters don't feel like people. They feel like plot devices or cliches or stereotypes.
I feel that as artists - whatever your medium is - I feel that we're watching what goes on around us and we take what we don't see, or we don't hear, or we don't feel and we do something that speaks of it; more about it, for it, or against it - whatever our perspective is - that's what our job is.
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