A Quote by Julia Garner

I think Matthew Rhys is great. I think he's a phenomenal actor. — © Julia Garner
I think Matthew Rhys is great. I think he's a phenomenal actor.
The fact that there is no right or wrong is what I think is maddening. I can think you're a phenomenal actor, but the guy next door can think you're a horrible actor, and neither of us is wrong and neither of us is right. It's just a matter of opinion.
I'm a phenomenal fan of Elon Musk. I think he's the greatest. He's a disrupter, and I think he is a great marketer. And I love him.
I don't think it's necessary to be an actor to get great performances out of an actor. But I do think it helps me as a director because I know what I like as an actor, and I try to get that to the actors who I'm working with.
I would say, when it comes to comedy, I think Matthew Broderick was great.
In my estimation, there are four kinds of people that live on this earth: average, good, great, and phenomenal. Phenomenal is like Mother Theresa. She's dead, but we still talk about her on a regular basis. That's phenomenal.
Matthew Lowe is one of the great water men that I know. He's a surfer, a great water polo player. I think he's half fish.
I think I probably think about myself as an actor, which is the way most people do. I think I'm good, I don't think I'm great. I think I would hire somebody else to play me in the movie about me.
As an actor, I don't really think you find yourself. I mean, once you find yourself, I think it becomes boring and you become set in your ways. I think, as an actor I think it's not a bad thing but more of a gift. It's something you're always doing as an actor. You're adjusting constantly.
Bob Duvall is a great actor because each time out, he creates a whole, complete character. You have the feeling that you're not seeing an actor at all, but a fully realized human being. Think of how he was in The Godfather. If you didn't know Bobby, you'd think that he really was Tom, the consigliere. Then you see him in Santini, and he's completely different. He's not only a personality, he's a consummate actor.
I love Viola Davis. I call her 'Queen.' I think she's phenomenal. She's so raw and so bold. When I first saw her was in 'Doubt,' and she just changed everything for me. Her performance was unlike anything I had ever seen before, and I think she's phenomenal.
I look at marriage and I think marriage is phenomenal. I think it's great. I don't hold anything against marriage.
I decided to go along with it. If he tried to give me the runaround, I would bolt. I didn't have time to waste on vague answers and evasive language. Matt and Rhys were captive, and Rhys couldn't even sit down.
For years, I've been mistaken for Rhys Ifans. All the time. People come up and say, 'Notting Hill?' I nearly got beaten up once for not being Rhys.
Matthew Stafford, I think he's straight. I don't think he the best quarterback out there. But he do what he gotta do.
I absolutely love Oprah Winfrey. What a great woman and a great businesswoman. She seems to really campaign for an expansion of global consciousness. I think she's phenomenal.
I think, basically, I am an actor. Sometimes I'm an actor who's writing and sometimes an actor who's directing, but I think if I'm forced to fill out a form for my tax return, 'actor' is the first thing I write down.
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