A Quote by Julia Roberts

Why is it so weird that somebody didn't recognize me?... The fact is that whenever I meet somebody, I say, 'Nice to meet you. I'm Julia.' — © Julia Roberts
Why is it so weird that somebody didn't recognize me?... The fact is that whenever I meet somebody, I say, 'Nice to meet you. I'm Julia.'
I never meet a church that wishes they didn't do it. I never meet a leader that wishes they didn't do it. They will all say, to the person, it's hard. It's difficult. It comes with complexities and confusion as you're trying to go across cultures, and you don't understand, you didn't mean to offend somebody but you've offended somebody. But they will all say it just does something.
You can meet somebody at a club. You can meet somebody at a restaurant. But maybe that person is not on the same page. Maybe that person is like, 'I'm starting out, I don't want to get married now.' Or, 'I don't want to have kids.'
For somebody famous, it's weird anyway to meet someone, because they have a preconceived notion of who you are.
The Buddhists say if you meet somebody and your heart pounds, your hands shake, your knees go weak, that’s not the one. When you meet your ‘soulmate’ you’ll feel calm. No anxiety, no agitation.
I wanted to be just a normal girl flirting with a normal guy. It's like, you meet people, and they know this stuff about you. It's why you want to meet somebody who's in the same business, only because they understand more. But you don't necessarily want to be with another actor.
If I meet somebody and they ask me what position I play, I always just say an 'athlete' or that I do a lot of things.
i would say it was nice to meet you, but the fact is it wasnt. in fact, it was quite awkward.
When you meet your idols, I'm not one of those people - like if I saw Prince on the street, I wouldn't say anything. Because I'd want him to meet me. You want to meet people on the right terms or if there's a reason for you to meet.
Just about every young model and actress is dating somebody in the entertainment field, because these are the people you meet. You're not going to very easily meet a normal person in this line of work.
You don't want to meet anybody in Cannes. It's the worst place, I think, to meet somebody - one of the worst places.
I would love to meet Bob Marley. I mean, he's passed, but that's somebody that I would've loved to meet.
I was just glad to meet somebody outside of my group of small town friends who was into music. Somebody else who had aspirations to do something more than sing at a record hop.
Oh, I think Neymar would be a nice guy I'd like to meet. Messi, too. Cristiano Ronaldo. I think they are guys that their lives would encourage me. They would be nice people to meet and know more about their stories, to evolve and grow more with their stories. I think it would be cool to meet them.
I can't tell you how many times in the '90s I'd meet somebody, we'd be having a nice time, and they'd sigh and go, 'This is exactly like Before Sunrise.' And I'd have to get up and leave.
...This is the first time I have met someone who seeks out people and who sees beyond. [...] We never look beyond our assumptions and, what's worse, we have given up trying to meet others; we just meet ourselves. We don't recognize each other because other people have become our permanent mirrors. If we actually realized this, if we were to become aware of the fact that we are alone in the wilderness, we would go crazy. [...] As for me, I implore fate to give me the chance to see beyond myself and truly meet someone.
Somebody must have sense enough to meet hate with love. Somebody must have sense enough to meet physical force with soul force. If we will but try this way, we will be able to change these conditions and yet at the same time win the hearts and souls of those who have kept these conditions alive a way as old as the insights of Jesus of Nazareth, as modern as the techniques of Mohandas K. Gandhi. There is another way.
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