A Quote by Juliette Binoche

As actors, we are so privileged to do what we do and to give to the world and to choose the subject we want to say to the world. — © Juliette Binoche
As actors, we are so privileged to do what we do and to give to the world and to choose the subject we want to say to the world.
I want world leaders to choose books over bullets...We can afford to give every girl 12 years of free education. It is absolutely in our power, and when we do, we will realize a whole new world of possibility.
If one day you have to choose between the world and love, remember this: If you choose the world you’ll be left without love, but if you choose love, with it you will conquer the world
Welcome to the free world. We give people the power to choose. They can even choose the wrong thing. Beautiful, isn't it?
I think it's worse for actors, though, because people have to choose you. As a director, I get to choose the actors, but most of the time, actors have to be chosen in order to work.
I think you reveal yourself by what you choose to photograph, but I prefer photographs that tell more about the subject. There's nothing much interesting to tell about me; what's interesting is the person I'm photographing, and that's what I try to show. [...] I think each photographer has a point of view and a way of looking at the world... that has to do with your subject matter and how you choose to present it. What's interesting is letting people tell you about themselves in the picture.
The Chinese have a theory that you pass through boredom into fascination and I think it's true. I would never choose a subject for what it means to me or what I think about it. You've just got to choose a subject - and what you feel about it, what it means, begins to unfold if you just plain choose a subject and do it enough.
The people of the world genuinely want peace. Some day the leaders of the world are going to have to give in and give it to them.
The people of the world genuinely want peace. Some day the leaders of the world are going to have to give in and give, it to them.
You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it. You are here to create the world around you that you choose.
I want to set myself as a real legend in the sport, like Phelps and Mark Spitz are remembered worldwide. I want people to say, like they say of Ronaldo that he is the best soccer player in the world, I want them to say Chad Le Clos is the best swimmer in the world.
Sure, I could give advice; I could, say, travel the world, listen to music. But all I can really say is do something you want to do and do it well. And if you want to be a choreographer, then you have to make dances.
I want to go to someone's world. I'll buy it if the world is full of zombies - I'll live there if you give me a strong enough vision of what that world looks like.
I strongly believe that those of us who are privileged to have wealth should contribute significantly to try and create a better world for the millions who are far less privileged.
I strongly believe that those of us, who are privileged to have wealth, should contribute significantly to try and create a better world for the millions who are far less privileged
When you take this journey of becoming an actor, there are only destinations - one, where people give you that limelight and expect the world from you, and two, they don't know who you are, and they don't care what you are doing. You have to choose where you want to go.
Leslie Stein's comics give readers privileged access to a complete and wholly original world of gently skewed wonders.
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