A Quote by Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.

Whitaker cannot be and will not be the best because he has lost. His style is bad and he doesn't motivate people. — © Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.
Whitaker cannot be and will not be the best because he has lost. His style is bad and he doesn't motivate people.
Whitaker will be nothing without Julio Cesar Chavez. I do not need Whitaker. Whitaker doesn't make the money I can. He can't fill arenas. He is nobody.
The thing I don't like about Whitaker is he has an ugly style. He makes all his opponents look ugly.
I hope I set an example to motivate people, to motivate the new fighters, motivate the guy who doesn't got to the gym who doesn't train martial arts because he has a knee injury or some little things.
You cannot motivate anyone but yourself. To enhance or cause action in another person, you must create an atmosphere around them wherein they will want to motivate themselves.
You cannot motivate the best people with money. Money is just a way to keep score. The best people in any field are motivated by passion.
He who cannot see the beautiful side is a bad painter, a bad friend, a bad lover; he cannot lift his mind and his heart so high as goodness.
Whitaker is much better. De La Hoya hits hard, and he's fast, and he comes in with a lot of force. But he has to learn how to fight, and Whitaker is very difficult.
When you look in the eyes of grace, when you meet grace, when you embrace grace, when you see the nail prints in grace’s hands and the fire in his eyes, when you feel his relentless love for you - it will not motivate you to sin. It will motivate you to righteousness.
If anyone is unwilling to descend into himself, because this is too painful, he will remain superficial in his writing. . . If I perform to myself, then it’s this that the style expresses. And then the style cannot be my own. If you are unwilling to know what you are, your writing is a form of deceit.
The Christian who drinks cannot win his drinking companions to Christ. The girl who dances will never win her dancing boyfriend! You may think to gain favor and influence with the unsaved by joining with them in the lodge, or attending with them the movies, or by smoking or drinking or playing bridge with them, but you cannot! Worldliness means powerlessness! And that means that every Christian who sells out is guilty of the murder of the poor lost souls that go to Hell because he lost his influence.
Style! style! why, all writers will tell you that it is the very thing which can least of all be changed. A man's style is nearly as much a part of him as his physiognomy, his figure, the throbbing of this pulse,--in short, as any part of his being is at least subjected to the action of the will.
The best thing is to motivate people to do their own work. I'm not opposed to making money. But I started to play rock 'n' roll to motivate others, to shake things up, wake people up and to let other skinny, pimply marginalized weirdos know they're not alone.
My view is that you cannot close your mind and say I don't want to listen to this or that. Because if you can't appreciate the bad for being bad, you can't appreciate the good. If you turn a deaf ear to everything but one style, pretty soon it's not going to work out.
If an intelligent, educated, and healthy man begins to complain of his lot and go down-hill, there is nothing for him to do but to go on down until he reaches the bottom--there is no hope for him. Where could my salvation come from? How can I save myself? I cannot drink, because it makes my head ache. I never could write bad poetry. I cannot pray for strength and see anything lofty in the languor of my soul. Laziness is laziness and weakness weakness. I can find no other names for them. I am lost, I am lost; there is no doubt of that.
Obama hasn't lost his standing because of tricks played by the Republicans. He hasn't lost his standing because the media's not fair to him. He hasn't lost his standing or his approval number because the media spent four years attacking him like they did George W. Bush. This is all on him.
I think personal style starts from within because it´s a philosophy and an attitude. If you´re honest and true to yourself, you will have the best sense of personal style.
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