A Quote by Jurgen Klopp

We should play free football, defend lively with a passion, and have the best understanding in offence. — © Jurgen Klopp
We should play free football, defend lively with a passion, and have the best understanding in offence.
More than anything tough, I play 'Madden'. I'm a football guy at heart; maybe I should have played football for a living instead, because I play a lot of football videogames. I'm really into them.
In each profession, you need to feel passion for that in order to give it your best performance. Football is my passion.
You can play football in Bayern, in Barcelona, in Manchester, in London, wherever. In the end, it's football, and you want to play with the best.
I didn't play in the NFL, and I didn't play defensive line. But football, at the fundamental level, is football. It's about motivating people and getting the best out of them.
I do not like to use the term 'Free-to-play.' I have come to realize that there is a degree of insincerity to consumers with this terminology, since so-called 'Free-to-play' should be referred to more accurately as 'Free-to-start.'
Understanding why we are here, what we are supposed to be doing, relationships, and striving to do more other than play football - when you get understanding like that and apply it, it works wonders.
I'm a football guy at heart; maybe I should have played football for a living instead, because I play a lot of football videogames, I'm really into them.
I'm a football guy at heart; maybe I should have played football for a living instead, because I play a lot of football videogames; I'm really into them.
When I was a child I had a dream to become a football player. I always played as I played when I was a child. I tried to improve. I never dreamt of becoming a professional football player, I dreamed just to play with the best players in the best team. I never dreamed to be paid to play. I would have paid to play an FA Cup Final in front of 80,000 people in Wembley. I just tried to play the wonderful game that football is. So, I hope young players will still have this dream.
I didn't play football in school, but I've been a fan of football all my life. I have a fair understanding of it. Doing movies about it really helps because you know what makes them work and what doesn't.
It took a while to find a passion for another career that was as strong as the passion that I had for football. Once I found it in acting, it was simple. Use the tools you were given from playing football and apply it to your new passion. I have done that through acting, producing and writing.
Just play football. If you are a writer, you must write. It's the best way to practise. If I'm a pianist, I don't need to run in the forest for one hour or two hours to be a good pianist. I must play piano. So this is what we are doing all the time. Play football. Simple ideas.
Football is about having the best offensive play possible. I always like to play offensive football, and nobody will convince me otherwise.
All religions, they play football - even nowadays all girls and women have the right to play football in cultures like the Arabic countries in the Muslim they play football.
I think it's important to feel good so that the football can take care of itself. If everything else is organised and ready to go, then you're free to play football.
The arts of speech are rhetoric and poetry. Rhetoric is the art of transacting a serious business of the understanding as if it were a free play of the imagination; poetry that of conducting a free play of the imagination as if it were a serious business of the understanding.
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