A Quote by Justin Allgaier

I've wrecked my fair share of cars. I've had my fair share of injuries. If you put too much focus on it or you really worry about it, it's going to consume you. That's never good.
I've been through my fair share of injuries.
All is for all! If the man and the woman bear their fair share of work, they have a right to their fair share of all that is produced by all, and that share is enough to secure them well-being. No more of such vague formulas as "The Right to work," or "To each the whole result of his labour." What we proclaim is The Right to Well-Being: Well-Being for All!
As governor, I don't want my fair share. I want more than my fair share.
I've had my fair share of being dismissed. But I'm only about to turn 30. And when I finish running, I'm going to be a dangerous woman.
Our platform calls for a balanced deficit reduction plan where the wealthy pay their fair share. And when your country is in a costly war, with our soldiers sacrificing abroad and our nation facing a debt crisis at home, being asked to pay your fair share isn't class warfare - it's patriotism.
I've definitely had my fair share of guys being a little too much with me, and they think just because they follow me on Instagram, they know me.
True patriotism isn't cheap. It's about taking on a fair share of the burden of keeping America going.
I have had my fair share of nights out.
I always had a fair share of hits and flops.
I believe that the behavior of too many of our corporations investment bankers and fund managers has jeopardized some of the trust that investors have had. It's not the economic engine that we need to focus on, but the need to make sure that our investors receive their fair share of the returns that that great economic system produces.
I've been really lucky to have had my fair share of relationships over the years and experiences to draw from. But I would say that I generally am not the one doing the heartbreaking.
Well, I've had my fair share in Britain of battling the tabloids.
Me and my family had our fair share of troubles.
I believe that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, when everyone plays by the same rules.
That is the definition of equal justice under law: everyone gets a fair shot, everyone pays their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules.
I have done my fair share of good roles in unsuccessful films. There's no point in that.
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