A Quote by Justine Musk

Reading is the inhale, writing is the exhale. — © Justine Musk
Reading is the inhale, writing is the exhale.
Life begins with an inhale and ends with an exhale. ln between that inhale and that exhale is our life.
Trees are our closest relatives. What trees exhale, we inhale; what we exhale, they inhale. They are half our respiratory system.
In pranayama you don't worry about taking breaths, you focus on exhalation. If you exhale properly you will inhale. The more deeply you exhale the more deeply you will inhale.
There is the in-breath and there is the out-breath, and too often we feel like we have to exhale all the time. The inhale is absolutely essential - and then you can exhale.
What we call "I" is just a swinging door which moves when we inhale and when we exhale.
When you inhale, you are taking the strength from God. When you exhale, it represents the service you are giving to the world.
No matter what happens, you can get through this day. Inhale. Focus on the word, 'relax. Exhale. Say, 'I can do this!' And then do it.
Still the mind. Inhale peace. Let go of worries. Exhale stress. Notice the breath. Connect to all. Embrace calm.
The whole art of ecstasy, meditation, samadhi, is: How to become one with the rhythm of the universe. When it exhales, you exhale. When it inhales, you inhale. You live in it, are not separate, are one with it.
For underground metaphors, you can scrape an inch below the turf. For what it's worth, my style's been developed in the core of the Earth. The exhale's volcanic, the inhale is seismic.
Imagine that each time you inhale, that the universe is breathing into you, and as you exhale it is breathing out of you.
By the time we are women, fear is as familiar to us as air. It is our element. We live in it, we inhale it, we exhale it, and most of the time we do not even notice it.
The light of love flows out of my soul, but it can go nowhere because it's blocked by pain. I could inhale and exhale every morning for the rest of my life, but that wouldn't solve anything.
I watched the sheets breathe when she breathed, like how Dad used to say that trees inhale when people exhale, because I was too young to understand the truth about biological processes.
When you begin to realize that your past does not necessarily dictate the outcome of your future, then you can release the hurt. It is impossible to inhale new air until you exhale the old.
I am safe and secure. I exhale any anxiety and inhale calm. As my world expands so do my heart and mind. I am willing to stay open and accept all the miracles and abundance the universe has to offer me.
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