A Quote by Kabir Sehgal

Reputation will become an even more important currency in the future. — © Kabir Sehgal
Reputation will become an even more important currency in the future.
Besides having an audience, the most important currency for any leader is his or her reputation. And having a reputation for over-delivering on what's expected of you should give your visitors, subscribers and customers more reason to spend their money with you and refer their friends.
The E.U. referendum is a major watershed in U.K. history. It will be important for the future of the Conservative party. It will be even more important for the future of our country.
I consider video games a form of design that is amazingly important today and that is going to become even more important in the future, because it is a way we interact with machines and screens.
One is told that you're either a hot writer, or you're finished and you're over. But of course, the more you hang around and the more you become aware not only of what "reputation" is for other writers, but also what your own reputation is, you become aware that it's much more complicated than the conventional media would have you believe.
I think that the future of currency is digital, and Bitcoin has a good shot at being the currency of the future.
You look at your bank account, and you see the currency of love and happiness is more important than the currency of money.
It is important for you to know who you are and who you may become. It is more important than what you do, even as vital as your work is and will be.
Concerning the common currency: today, the euro is not worth it for Poland. The reason why we survived the financial and economic crisis quite well is that we have a national currency. This will not change in the near future.
The more adept we become at cultivating an altruistic attitude, the happier we will feel and the more comfortable will be the atmosphere around us. But if our emotions fluctuate wildly and we easily give in to hatred and jealousy, even our friends will avoid us. So even for people with no spiritual beliefs, it is important to have a peaceful mind.
The more you think about something, the more important it becomes, the more important it is to you, and the more important it will become to the audience.
We tend to become what the most important person in our life thinks we will become. Think the best, believe the best, and express the best in others. Your affirmation will not only make you more attractive to them, but you will help play an important part in their personal development.
In the future, IKEA will become an ever more spiritual sanctuary. In the future, your dream life will increasingly look like Google street view. Everyone will be feeling the same way as you, and there's some comfort to be found there.
When a parent says about a book, 'That's not my child's world,' I remind them of the future. Social fluency will be the new currency of success. Not experiencing diversity challenges our kids' future in the global work force. It handicaps them from making America and the world more livable and just.
I think something like three-quarters of American currency is held abroad, by drug dealers, by tax evaders, Russians and Chinese. Other people think that they want to protect themselves against their own currency going down. When you have 75% of the currency and even more of the high-denomination $100 bills held abroad, you wonder whether these are people we really want to pay. If you get rid of the $100 bills, its foreign holders will be the main losers.
Whatever the future of social reputation online, I'm excited to dig in and help forge the path forward. Not only will embracing and enabling the growth of these reputation elements benefit my business, the consumer in me can barely control her excitement.
If a currency is to become a growing, an increasing reserve currency, there has to be not only a demand for it there has to be a supply of it.
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