A Quote by Kaka

It sounds like a cliche, but without a strong group, you win nothing in football. — © Kaka
It sounds like a cliche, but without a strong group, you win nothing in football.
I played a little football but it was nothing like boxing. One on one. Me vs. you. You win, you win. I lose, I lose. It was for me to build the character inside to be like, how do I get better at this without relying on anybody else?
In football, you win as a group, you lose as a group; you divide the credit and the blame.
A drunk truck driver ran over me. I was in a Volkswagen. It was horrible. It sounds like a cliche, but anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I give a lot of credit to my dad, who was a very strong guy.
You cannot win a game of football on your own; it's about the entire squad working together to achieve something. That's how football works: it has always been about the group, not the individual.
I'm a footballing romantic just like Johan Cruyff. We like football that is attractive, attacking and easy on the eye. When you win playing like this it's twice as satisfying. I've always played attacking football: my footballing ideals are very clear and well defined. I've grown up at Barcelona with that style and that's the one I like. I think it's good to win like that, by taking the initiative right from the off.
It sounds a little cliché, but I wanted to capture some of the feelings or sounds that I heard when I listened to music that actually took me places.
In Spain and Italy, they like it when you win with good football, but winning without is appreciated.
The road is a lonely place, and that sounds like a cliche, you know, like what is my life?
Systems win you nothing, and football players win you games.
I'm extremely willful to win, and I respond to challenges. Scoring titles and stuff like that... it sounds, well, I don't care how it sounds - to me, scoring comes easy. It's not a challenge to me to win the scoring title, because I know I can.
My mentality is that I play football to win. You have to do everything you can to win. The most important thing is that you leave nothing out there on the pitch.
I just want to serve people. I know it sounds like a simple cliche.
I like loud electric guitars because I like how you can just lose your entire being in the sound. But I can't find myself in a situation where our band Swans is doing typical chord progressions - it just seems cliché to me. Even changing chords sounds like a cliché sometimes, though it happens occasionally in our music. But you find ways to push yourself into the sound through repetition. It doesn't stay the same. It morphs constantly.
Rock guitar has been around for decades now, and there are so many strong traditions, and so much of it is just burned into my fingers. So, nine times out of 10, when I pick up the guitar to jam something, it sounds pretty cliche.
Music is something you can't really put in terms like in a sport, like running or football - that you win if you score more. In music, there's nothing like that.
I now consider myself quite religious and spiritual although that sounds like a terrible cliche.
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