It's only led me to complete awesomeness at all times. It's only led me to awesome truth and awesomeness. Beauty, truth, awesomeness. That's all it is.
Let’s summarize. What is awesomeness? Awesomeness happens when thick — real, meaningful — value is created by people who love what they do, added to insanely great stuff, and multiplied by communities who are delighted and inspired because they are authentically better off. That’s a better kind of innovation, built for 21st century economics.
Did you have an awesome time? Did you drink awesome shooters, listen to awesome music, and then just sit around and soak up each others awesomeness?
One day you'll understand the sheer awesomeness that is me.
I'm not fat. It's just my awesomeness swelling up inside of me.
It doesn’t matter how long we’ve used something; all that matters is how awesome the thing replacing it is. MP3s and automobiles happen to be really, really awesome, whereas ebooks—at least so far—are fairly limited in their awesomeness.
I'm the creative director of awesomeness.
I'm on the pursuit of awesomeness, excellence is the bare minimum.
I couldn't be in a relationship without equality, generosity, integrity, spirit, kindness and humor. And awesomeness.
Outside our comfort zone, though, is where we experience the true awesomeness of God.
The awesomeness of God is that even in the works of the Beach Boys, Beatles, etc., the beauty of the music is a mere reflection of what God does everyday. He creates music of all kinds and moods.
We shouldn't censor ourselves based on the weak idea of "looking cool." It's such a waste of potential awesomeness.
I was using the word awesomeness while you were still in high school, popping zits.
I don't think people understand the awesomeness of the destruction of this country - its institutions, its infrastructure, its law, its morals.
Because I live in London I'm always at busy places like airports and gigs. When you're up in the mountains the air's so clean and there's nature and the awesomeness of the slopes. It makes me reflective and think about the bigger picture.
The opening scene in A New Hope, when you see the huge ship, it goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on... that is like a joke of awesomeness.
2001 King of the Ring? I really like the sound of that! That REEKS OF ROYALTY! So begins the ERA OF AWESOMENESS!